Viktor90: if you can access.

Dudenhoeffer: Lo2dk: If your website would show e.g. 10 php snippets and they would never change, you could use a shortcode with some cases. But not if you want to add new posts with new snippets frequently.

Mulvahill: Nate: I don’t think this is the right approach.

Tschoepe: What about a dynamic page template that selects a .php file of the snippet based on the name?

Tschoepe: And im ASKING not saying ;

Curley: Pixolin: The right approaches unfortunately aren’t options :

Curley: Ie; using mutli-site stuff

Curley: I oh so wish they were

Churn: You would need to edit that template for every new post. that’s not a CMS, that’s a nightmare.

Tschoepe: No but if you have a custom field for putting the name of the snippet

Tschoepe: Youd have to code the thing in php

Curley: We’re at the minimum looking at using infinitewp but it’s still going to take us a dramatic amount of time to potentially roll that out

Zabaneh: Nate: there are tools that show vulnerabilities of wp sites such as the Sucuri web check

Tschoepe: Then no shortcode or anything

Tschoepe: Then only when you are ready to execute the php do you enable the template

Broitzman: As I mentioned before, you could evaluate teh custom field, but you have a security problem then.

Brigham: Hello guys! I have a problem because I did a mistake and don’t know, how to cancel it. I have a blog on wordpress which I wanted to delete but I couldn’t find the option and mistakenly I changed the url of the blog to . I don’t know how to cancel this to get back to the administration to undue this

Holzhueter: Something to think about here for sure. different options. i see your points about avoiding files and shortcodes, its not very wise in a CMS system, it goes against the CMS logic itself

Vaca: Viktor90: is that selfhosted?

Terherst: Are there other Malware scanners out there alike Securi?

Tschoepe: Pixolin but rather than putting the snippet code in the custom field, you put it in the template in the content itself

Tschoepe: The custom field just points to it

Curley: Pixolin: Main problem with sucuri is per-site they would get expensive as all hell, though I didn’t realize they had a free scanner

Holzhueter: But your security concerns about the execution of php code from within the post itself also sounds a bit worrying

Devore: Viktor90: add define’REDIRECT’, true; to your wp-config.php, then edit your settings in the back end.

Alward: Thank you, I will try it!

Tschoepe: Lo2dk

Curley: Though the free scan just said the one site I had get a small breach earlier is ‘fine’, which slightly concerns me as the only thing not up-to-date on that install is WP 4.2.5 currently, which means either a 4.2.5 vuln that isn’t known or worse but more likely, one of our plugins, despite being up to date, has a vuln :

Calamia: I meant this here, Duikb00t

Baish: Viktor90: once you edited the settings, don’t forget to comment out the line you added. for security reasons

Mullee: Oh, I ***umed you have FTP-access, viktor90?

Raczynski: Pixolin:

Hayhoe: Thank you, Canestraro-Bot 😛

Branz: I have no idea what to do now

Kinnunen: Delete everything? Holy Moly!

Schroader: Do you have access to the control panel of your web host?

Plett: Hi all, I have a custom DB table and functionality for listing/editing etc the data for this from the admin area. A request has come through to be able to add an image to it, but unsure how to correctly process/handle image uploads in the admin area. Does anyone have any pointers?

Trullinger: Where in the database i will find content of tags like home_intro

Duber: Viktor90: if you can access cpanel, you should be able to either add a new FTP account or see credentials for an exsiting or use Web-FTP, where you can download existing files for backup and then delete what you wanted to get rid of