Poiz: that’s not a solution.

Castillejo: I literally just found the rest API in the backend

Crebs: Sorry if these are dumb questions, this is alien to me haha

Puffinberger: It’s just a JSON REST API, super simple

Haakenson: So, I’d have to add a key then give it to supplier?

Lufborough: I’ve no idea, I’ve never used it

Lecher: Ahh, you seemed like you had. Speak with confidence ey ; haha

Tobery: I’ve looked at the docs a few times for various reasons, just never used it my self

Bail: I’ve also worked wit hJSON REST APIs a fair bit so I know they are easy to work with in general ;

Pillow: Well easy for you to say, I haven’t the foggiest about this do***entation and what it is saying lol

Yepsen: I ***ume I am just really stupid though lol

Coultas: Nah, the docs are a bit confusing on first readthrough

Terherst: I received a project but it’s infected with some malware most of them inline links for herpes surgery

Bila: General internet question that I am not sure where to put but.

Mcnany: Dumb question, but I have a client whose site I have sent live. Its a sub-domain of http://design.lsdev.co.uk – They want it to be http://www.design.lsdev.co.uk – Is that even possible? I thought the design. was the subdomain, just like the www. is.maybe I am wrong but, well am i? lol

Brucato: Http://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/56984/subdomain-with-dot

Curley: I feel like I remember once upon a time there was a way to disable comments on pages, but not posts. Is that not the case anymore?

Curley: I’ve found a few old support topics implying it as well but they’re a good 3-4~ years old from the early 3.x days

Andreu: Https://----escape_autolink_uri:a03ded6cd97ffffa8f7b4e1454f3eecc----.org/plugins/disable-comments/

Curley: Ah, plugin based now? Will take a look.

Dimattia: I can’t remember that you could disable comments for pages only, just generally.

Curley: Yeah there used to be an option from what I remember under individual page settings

Ferro: Hm? there is a field under each page, if you mean that

Curley: Hm, ah, looks like they’re using a plugin that modifies those particular options, hrm

Tschoepe: Nate you could remove the comments stuff in the page template in the theme

Dannecker: Poiz: hm, I don’t know if it is a good advise to cripple a theme. what if someone else has to take over maintenance? A plugin “disable comments” certainly would be more obvious.

Holzhueter: I wanna make a WP site that has code snippets shown and then a button for each snippet that actually runs the snippet. I found a plugin for displaying the code nicely , called ‘syntaxhighlighter evolved’. But im wondering how to store and run the code. I guess I have two options 1 store the raw code in database posts entries. 2 store the code in php files that i somehow retrieve the output from with shortcode in my page perhaps

Holzhueter: Im leaning most towards 2, storing them in php files. But if so, where in my WP folder tree structure should I place it. ? in my theme? i have a childtheme of twentyfifteen. So should I place my code in themes/twentyfifteenchild/codesnippets/php/stristr.php

Nordstrom: I’m really feeling bad, Guzzo. 😀

Massanelli: Hello , i have little css prob

Holzhueter: Remember i want this to be a large collection that to begin with has mainly php but over time will have many other languages. so how do i store and retrieve the output?

Brede: I made alightbox an when it apears scroolbar gets hidden which couse sifting of page.how to stop it

Digiacinto: Dangit, what is so difficult to write that nick name? pi-xo-lin, dangit!

Haataja: Piyush: may I ask why to place that question here?

Mend: Yes pixolin , i dont knew the name of css comunity

Tschoepe: Lo2dk you can store them in page templates but a shortcode is probably more flexible

Defoore: Poiz: that’s not a solution if he frequently wants to add code snippets to be executed.