So now, i’m logged in as.

Ivory: Each row would the correspond to a unique user

Bachinski: Ddg10: hint – when you find yourself wrestling with sql solutions consider that your schema design has normalization issues

Beale: PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘PDOException’ with message ‘SQLSTATEHY000 2003 Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘0’ 111 “Connection refused”‘ in

Wubbel: Credentials are correct. If I change them to incorrect ones i get a p***word error instead of this

Ruland: OS error code 111: Connection refused

Legacy: Bent0: how do you set mysql hostname?

Atchity: Boleware: Got it. works, localhost doesnt.

Laakso: Now on to the next issue

Bournes: Had a table crash somehow last night

Lerch: If it does, you have invalid hosts file

Schaeffler: Got this weird issue where some pages are returning that refused error and some dont

Huckabone: Started happening after a 180 GB logfile filled my SSD

Selsor: Crashed an innodb table

Victorian: Removed the ibd frm files, re-created the table

Clickner: Im now using root with host

Leash: Is this slow query 0.001311 ?

Bullins: I have 10 queries loading around that time at once

Menna: Do you mean 10 requests executing the same query, or one request executing 10 queries?

Matkowsky: Bent0: but the server checks hostname of the client and finds that it is localhost

Beckes: So what do I need to do exactly

Everest: Search for the text “If you cannot figure out why you get Access denied” at

Minnick: Boleware: ffs lol. It was Sphinxsearch generating those errors

Sliney: Why is information_schema not editable unless root has a p***word?

Rynders: Sliney: information_schema is a virtual database of databases inside of MySQL 5.0 and later. You can use it to get schema, table and column metadata. Please note: It only shows information the user has access to.

Bachinski: Sliney: it’s in fact a set of views, not an editable database

Macleod: It’s not editable even if root has a p***word

Sliney: Bachinski: & snoyes: I see. I guess my issue is that mysql isn’t saving my root p***word. It’s like it hates the p***word altogether.

Sliney: I set one yesterday after staring mysql into safe mode and now I dno’t have a p***word for root

Deason: Sliney: there is no “safe mode”, but mysqld_safe exists. maybe you think *this* is “safe mode”?

Sliney: Sorry, not safe mode . skip-grant-tables, rather

Deason: So right now, you get get in as root with no p***word?

Sliney: Which is definitely not good

Deason: Is skip-grant-tables in your my.cnfs?

Sliney: I ran this: sudo mysqld_safe –skip-grant-tables & instead of that option

Deason: Sliney: i would set a p***word then stop mysqld, then start up using init script

Sliney: I just did everything in this article

Sliney: Http://***word

Deason: Sliney: alright, so you are logged in as root right now and in “skip-grant-tables” mode?

Deason: Sliney: if you do “show grants” you get an error: “The MySQL server is running with the –skip-grant-tables option so it cannot execute this statement”

Sliney: I finished setting the p***word already. started mysql

Sliney: Starting MySQL. SUCCESS!

Sliney: I am able to login to root now with the p***word, however I did this exact same thing yesterday and the p***word wasn’t saved

Sliney: Deason: I’ll have to get back with you on that later to see, but is there any place I could check in the log files for a reason why it wouldn’t save?

Sliney: So now, i’m logged in as root user and I get this: