Pixelgrid: Without primary.

Braune: Synchronising with tablets

Swiat: I get a csv file, which is run and updates products. Only the products which are in the csv file are to be synchronised with the tablet.

Swartzlander: Ie: only those with todays timestamp

Santillana: I have two questions. Does mysql support nested transactions? And if yes, how do I determine if it’s supported in my mysql version?

Bachinski: Mehrzad: Guesing at what you mean by ‘nested transactions’, but I doubt it. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/implicit-commit.html

Bachinski: Mehrzad: since ‘Start Transaction’ causes an implicit commit.

Bachinski: Mehrzad: have you tried it?

Shoumaker: Bachinski: i’ve found savepoints but they do explicitly offer transactions

Rumery: Yes, savepoints are an extension of transactions which add support for partial rollback, afaik nothing more or less. They seem to be do***ented for 5.0 so should be available

Dodson: Is there any ways to determine if the transaction has already started so we can act appropriately queray a “START TRANSACTION” or a “SAVEPOINT identifier”

Rumery: Afaik there is no foolproof way, most tools implement their own ways – some stack to keep counts right on simulated inner transactions

Rumery: Hm, there seems to be an api method for it, PDO uses it and python connector has it do***ented, but I cannot find any variable/statement which would return the same results pdo_dbh_txn_func

Rumery: Http://dev.mysql.com/doc/connectors/en/connector-python-api-mysqlconnection-in-transaction.html

Rumery: Mehrzad, ah, found it in MariaDB, but was not yet able to locate the same in MySQL, maybe it was not implemented yet https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/start-transaction/#in_transaction

Creps: Im trying to make a query in a db like

Broccoli: SELECT * FROM event_authDataValue WHERE fieldName IN ’email’, ‘p***word’ AND value IN ‘asd’, ‘fdsf’

Atkeson: But i hant to select them only if the value of the id column is the same

Clyatt: Pixelgrid: What do you mean by that? Can you give an example?

Godbey: There is a table where the user registration credentials are saved

Akima: Not as a user per row manner

Ribble: But each row is a user registration attribute

Orbaker: So row 1 might be email 2 p***word

Slockbower: In login i want to match the user provided credentials

Strawbridge: But only if they belong to the same user id

Boldery: Http://pastebin.com/Kwe2DS0z

Clyatt: Pixelgrid: Sounds good. Now what do you want to select?

Ducat: So if the user provided

Clyatt: Pixelgrid: What is the PRIMARY KEY of this table?

Deschaine: Email: fdsf pasword: asd

Wetterauer: AuthDataID which is the user id

Eron: So what i want to do is

Craghead: SELECT * FROM event_authDataValue WHERE fieldName IN ’email’, ‘p***word’ AND value IN ‘asd’, ‘fdsf’

Amrein: IF authDataId is the same

Maret: Hi, what does a bold box represent in a diagram? confused about bold part

Struzik: Ah, weak entity set right

Holberg: How can I enable the ‘performance_schema’ at runtime? http://marcalff.blogspot.de/2011/04/performance-schema-faq-1-enable-without.html points out update performance_schema.setup_consumers. but all the tables are empty. What I’m looking for is the initial data that needs to be inserted. Or can this really only be done at start time?

Toldness: Pixelgrid: SELECT b FROM table WHERE a INx,y GROUP BY b HAVING COUNTDISTINCT a = 2

Clyatt: Pixelgrid: Lack of primary key is very bad for such table

Nazelrod: Just to understand it how would this be done with a primary key?

Clyatt: Bracki: Don’t you trust the manual?

Sasse: Bracki: See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/performance-schema-startup-configuration.html

Clyatt: Pixelgrid: Without primary key you can not distinguish between rows