Hi all, i’m developing an.

Ernstrom: Event system and some queue seems better for this – “active” users subscribe to events for “delta” changes, inactive ones can receive “full sync” on load maybe?

Saetteurn: And “Think big, start small” – Some entrepreneur dude

Seeberger: JesusTheHun: Cannot agree more. That’s why I chose the polling solution

Petermeier: Thinking we are starting with a small user base

Edwards: Fairuz: so it’s pre-cache ?

Koprowski: Sorry but I don’t get what you mean by pre-cache?

Ketterman: The user do some stuff online, then you want it on the device ?

Terwey: Define the rest API so that the client provides details of the last item it has.

Canby: Cache means the user has requested and fetched data, and you store this data to avoid further call

Sabagh: JesusTheHun: Yes correct

Damour: That was not a question

Akhtar: 17:08 JesusTheHun the user do some stuff online, then you want it on the device ? — refering to this :

Lumm: Fairuz: I think a simple, global and scalable approch for you is to set up a sync table

Wiater: With trigger on update table as suggested danblack, and again as suggested danblack, make you API send the sync table for the user

Tosti: Ok the suggestion for me looks solid

Camposano: Easy to setup, scalable a new data to sync only take a new trigger, low load its a small sync table to request and you have use it for your entire db if you want

Stechuchak: Ok I think I get a clearer picture now thanks to you guys

Longobardi: And you can make your backend mysql server cache this table

Vorsburgh: Especially JesusTheHun danblack and jkavalik :

Sweatfield: Care of your configuration if you do that it eats memory as my gf eats chocolate

Helvie: Fairuz: rfc7234 – look at how to use that as part of REST. or etags rfc7232#section-2.3

Rebman: Thansk danblack : If I understand correctly with etag, my backend don’t even need to query the sync table if the etag doesn’t change right? means no new data

Harmeson: Your backend needs to read and interperate the etag to see if anything new has been added since that event. the etag value is opaque until the backend.

Oyen: Fairuz: can’t last modified do the trick for you ?

Blattler: If its strictly time based – rfc7232#section-3.3

Flister: JesusTheHun: Yes It should do the trick. I will keep etag at the back of my mind for future optimization

Otwell: Good afternoon, I adjusted my socket directory using socket=/socketdir/mysql.sock in my my.conf

Hagist: Yet I get the error: Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock’ 2

Rentar: That is using mysql -h localhost -u root -p

Shoyer: So why has the unix socket not been updated for using this?

Canady: Boxrick1: which section of my.cnf?

Higbie: Mysql client uses mysql and client

Buress: Yea it was the client config, fixed it : thanks =D

Husul: Will mysql threaded, so it will use several cores?

Branco: Yes, for different queries

Lars: Do you know from which version that’s the case?

Dececco: Is there a configuration option I need to tune, to be able to utilize all cores?

Muskelly: Sanderwork, the “for different queries” part is really important

Dolinski: Jkavalik, yep. I understand. thanks for poining that out:-

Shiley: Sanderwork: didn’t I answer the same question the same way 1-3 days ago?

Haughney: Danblack, not to me atleast:

Kirsch: Ok. seemed so familar in the way it was asked.

Kross: Hi all, i’m developing an application based on mysql and flask-sqlalchemy. A version of this application is already deployed, but as is usually the case with a project under active development, sometimes there are schema changes which then have to be manually made on any live instances of the application.