Basically, I need to get a.

Olstad: Bewilled: are all keys set up ?

Blew: Silas, nope, I’d need to do that first

Zicari: Sure check your slowest queries carefuly for keys

Nicolay: Is there anything that has changed from 5.5.42 to 5.6 that will break apps?

Nicolay: Like if it works for 5.5 it will work in 5.6 right?

Bolch: Nicolay: read

Hilliard: Anyone had any good/bad experience switching replication types on a running production server?

Decoux: I love all the meta questions this morning

Hilliard: I dont want a howto or anything just any shared experiences lol

Hilliard: I’ve already tested and researched how to do it but there’s not many blog posts or anything of people doing it in production

Pyrdum: Anyone know how to enable “LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE” in mysql workbench? my server lists local_infile as “ON”, but I still get an error locally

Fishburne: Hello. so i have a strange issue. i have a php script which populates a mysql DB, when i look at the entries manually in phpmyadmin, the last column shows all NULL. Yet when I write a script to display everything, it showsthat column as populated correctly. Anyone know why that is?

Kokoszka: Actually its not even showing the name of that last column in phpmyadmin. Yet the script indicates its there and filled correctly. I’m just confused

Cody: Ecipse: We don’t answer phpMyAdmin questions. See: #phpmyadmin

Callicoat: Issue that’s been bothering me for months and I still can’t find the setting responsible:

Vanblarcom: Two servers have master=master replication setup on a database which only sees a small number of inserts one every hour or so. They will lag behind each other for hours or days, but display Seconds_Behind_Master: 0. server-id is different on both, and there are no errors in show slave status. sync_binlog=1 also didn’t help. Stopping and starting the slave will make it sync again immediately. Behavior: server config:

Esbrandt: Http://

Chavoustie: I’d prefer not to put a mysql -e ‘slave stop; slave start’ in a cron. that’s hacky as hell.

Halvorson: I have an application which dynamically creates databases and tables within a MySQL instance. Is it possible to create a query which selects data from a database’s tables based on the database name? E.g. something like select schema_name from information_schema.schemata join schema_name.TABLE where .

Nunery: Misdicorl: See

Sasnett: Don’t forget to add quotes around it

Herstad: Misdicorl: Don’t forget.

Penson: Misdicorl: Don’t forget necessary spaces, etc.

Abolt: Misdicorl: the Niedzwiedzki checker bails out at the first thing it cannot understand, either something immediately before is incorrect, or you used a reserved word or its just plain bad Niedzwiedzki and you are not following the manual

Krumrine: What is the SQL print statement?

Heffler: Misdicorl: There really isn’t one.

Mateus: Misdicorl: SQL is the way you communicate with the database. What you do with the result is up to you your application.

Linza: Ok, so very close now

Tomaino: Misdicorl: you do a concat then execute

Pancheri: Thanks so much guys, I’m so very close

Wilcoxson: Now, what if my query returns multiple rows? Any way to make a variable array?

Loshbaugh: Misdicorl:

Orlosky: Misdicorl: or exactly what you want:

Clyatt: Misdicorl: There are no arrays in MySQL procedure language

Clyatt: Misdicorl: Are you sure you need all of that?

Saysana: Basically, I need to get a row from a table that exists in multiple databases