Yeah, you need to use.

Jorski: Hey Gangler, one last little thing, I fixed everything except the chrome issue and an issue where the curbside video button plays the previos slides video

Miggins: Here is the latest code:

Zukowsky: I think it has something to do with 110-115

Gangler: How many curbside-consult’s are there?

Gangler: Your always getting the first one

Gangler: What’s the relation of the curbside-consult to the curbside-video?

Gangler: And think in terms of parent, nested child, sibling, etc

Carraher: Curbside-video is the video cl***

Blagg: And the curbside consult button is outside of the curbside consult wrap

Gangler: Do they have a shared parent?

Schlensker: Gangler well yes, case-slide

Gangler: So you can find your video with $this.closest’.case-slide’.find’.curbside-video’

Gangler: Your wanting to play the curbside video related to the consult you clicked

Gangler: Anything in that block that is contextual to the consult that you clicked, you need to do something like that

Gangler: Global lookups like ln 113 are going to find too much crap

Haer: Should I set var curbsideVideo to that?

Hoffa: Im gonna have some beers now

Gangler: Heh, i’m surprised you didn’t bust me on the your again Uhkis

Bondre: How do I display html from external site? here’s my code

Khalil: Gives this error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token

Stenner: You can’t use it to load html

Veno: Hi guys. I’m having a problem with qtip:

Gattie: The problem is, that when I hover over the last column, the 2 qtip’s overlay over each other

Bluestein: Is there a better way of preventing it than ***igning the qtip-information to the single td’s instead of the tr?

Logins: If it would be possible to put the td’s into a container, it would be easy, but that’s not possible in HTML

Doi: Can anyone help me please?

Palermo: How can I achieve, that qtip follows my mouse inside the table?:

Hongach: Hi, i am using jquery mobile. i have a problem with the content. as you can see it doesn’t take “all of the midle space”. How to do it .? I have try that or that

Siew: Http://

Mattox: Is there any easy to use library for manipulating a complex json , for example i want to replace / add new / remove item by a path

Mattos: I am using a few libraries that have this jquery factory stuff at the beginning, like this:

Mattos: But i keep getting that the function is undefined?

Mattos: But when i run it in my console it works

Mattos: I get this on page load: global.js:3970 Uncaught TypeError: $..niceScroll is not a function

Auduong: I need some help regarding jquery css

Hagene: Can anybody help please?

Montis: Not until you ask an actual question

Mcmickell: Uhkis: I added css via jquery. It works fine when The page is loaded. but it does not reflect the logics when I resize the window on desktop

Healy: But if i reload after reisizing. it works.

Tomita: I mean it does not changes css values when i’m resizing the window. on the fly

Litchard: Are you using the resize event?

Pavlock: Http://

Brood: Yeah, you need to use resize event to update those values, otherwise they stay the same as when the page was loaded