Zyxep: For the first.

Nordeen: You can most likely edit that theme’s comments.php to your liking

Nordeen: Unless they’ve done all sorts of hula hoop functions and what not

Dobbratz: I actually don’t see any comments.php

Granada: All right thanks again, it’s much better

Estis: How do i get the text on http://empirewriter.com/testing-new-post/ to be the same color as the text on http://empirewriter.com/blog/ ?

Richmann: In my admin cp script is getting blocked by Browser due to mixed content what should i do?

Gimse: Because they’re HTTP on HTTPS

Coffie: Wen using esc_html_e, apostrophies get prefixed with slashes

Brozell: Which is probably not what im looking for

Chestnutt: Whats a function to sanitise variables for html output?

Melino: Opsec: https://codex.----escape_autolink_uri:a03ded6cd97ffffa8f7b4e1454f3eecc----.org/Validating_Sanitizing_and_Escaping_User_Data

Bironas: Nvm i forgot wordpress adds slashes to get and post

Gacia: Any reason that when I list the woocommerce stylesheets as dependencies for my main stylesheet the page still loads them after the main style

Hvizdos: Hey guys, i have a blog

Evers: But the issues is, most templates only show excerpts

Delcastillo: Is there a way for the home page to show the full article on the home page ?

Genera: What is a good practice for version control of WP ? to put everything in it or only /wp-content/themes/your theme ?

Dockham: Hey guys, how do i edit themes so the theme shows the full article instead of an exerpt

Kaid: I’ve tried both. I think version controlling just the theme works in environments where you don’t deploy with the version control system zyxep

Defaria: Was that directed to me ? :

Genera: Okay thx jaaqo, i think in the long term my client will choose WPEngine as host because i recommended it to him :

Kaid: Benjaamin you probably want to check if the article theme file has the_content instead of the_excerpt call or similiar

Foody: Jaaqo: do you mean the php files in the theme editor ?

Wessel: I updated the Media from FTP plugin and it can’t be activated because of fatal error: Call to undefined function get_blog_details

Encalade: In /wp-content/plugins/media-from-ftp/inc/MediaFromFtp.php on line 650

Genera: Is roots.io good to use ?

Mallia: Zyxep: I’d say it’s ok.

Maycock: Haven’t really tried the starter theme or anything in it though

Genera: My idea was to use their “Sage” to build my theme on

Battani: It’s basically a package of gulp, Bower and Bootstrap, what could go wrong? :

Henton: I use homestead which is basically what Trellis is I guess

Nehmer: Bedrock sounds nice as well. I’d probably use that :

Genera: I’m a lot into ***rant / ansible :

Genera: Thats my way to work since i’m on Windows

Giallorenzo: Yeah, Homestead also uses ***rant. basically just a configuration file which you can use to add domains + projects. then provision and done

Heilmann: Http://laravel.com/docs/master/homestead

Cirilli: Check the included software :

Genera: I’m not into laravel though

Abete: Hm, they haven’t included everything there, like composer. it’s also preinstalled

Genera: I’m more a Phalcon PHP guy 😀

Hevey: Yeah, I don’t really use laravel either, just homestead :

Jeanquart: I use golang for backend whenever I can

Genera: Didn’t know this https://github.com/phinze/landrush Simple DNS for ***rant

Genera: That works on host & guest

Jabbour: Zyxep: For the first question above: wordpress-hackers-guide-to-the-galaxy">http://code.tutsplus.com/courses/wordpress-hackers-guide-to-the-galaxy — great video on wordpress and how you can separate the core files from your working files