Which you probably don’t.

Hemp: Wp_title $separator, false, $seplocation

Debenedetti: Why this will echo the title into my response?

Brzoska: Already put it as false.

Geil: Where are you putting wp_title

Denet: Zipp, if you’re using phpmyadmin, can you check the wp_posts table to verify the content is actually there?

Lele: Im using getherbert with TIMBER

Newquist: Timber::get_context; returning echo title on the response which coming from wp_title

Geil: Never used that one before

Pucillo: Denet yup wp_posts is there and populated

Denet: And your $table_prefix is correct, zipp?

Tadeo: Anyone know offhand what role level “No role for this site” is?

Geil: Williamthe wp_title is ually in header.php is that where you are using it? or you using the wp_title filter

Geil: Nate thats not a current role

Bartholow: Data’wp_title’ = TimberHelper::get_wp_title;

Tadeo: Fris: Ah, that something modified into the WP’s I’m dealing with?

Baugham: Return trim wp_title $separator, false, $seplocation ;

Geil: Nate must be the plugin or theme

Tadeo: Well that’s gonna make stuff trickier, I ***umed it was just the default “Disable all access” level

Colpetzer: Denet permalinks yes, how to I check the wp prefix

Geil: Https://codex.----escape_autolink_uri:a03ded6cd97ffffa8f7b4e1454f3eecc----.org/Roles_and_Capabilities#User_Level_to_Role_Conversion

Geil: Are the default role names

Tadeo: Fris: yeah I was on there, I just thought perhaps it wasn’t do***ented, thus asking in here

Geil: Subscriber is the most limited role, with only option to edit their profile

Tadeo: Alright, I’ll look into how those work.

Geil: What is the situation?

Tadeo: Basically we roll an epic ton of WP sites, which unfortunately can’t generally be multi-site built, and we have people who work across multiple of them, so I was going to try and set up a script of some sort where I can feed it an email and otherwise have it disable said user across all WP installs it was found in

Tadeo: Messy situation but beats manually disabling them site to site

Geil: Xmlrpc could be an easy way to disable

Geil: You would just alter the users meta that holds the role

Tadeo: Unfortunately we have xmlrpc pretty much blocked globally at the server level due to a lot of abuse in the past, lol

Geil: They on the same server? or multiple? if they were on the same i would use wp cli

Tadeo: That’s more or less what I was going to do at the DB level, like we have a script at the moment that sc****s the entire DB server, every WP schema looking for a given users email address, I was just gonna modify it into a user-disabler as well

Tadeo: Couple servers, spread across many many user accounts and even some sub directories in those user accounts

Tadeo: It’s an enormous monstrosity of WP sites lol

Wakin: Hi : Is there a way to see what the most recently edited/updates pages are? from admin panel

Bedlion: Momo_: there’s a widget in the main dashboard

Tricoche: Opsec: Seems to only be for Posts

Logemann: Also do you never sleep 😮

Bielecki: Momo_: WP Security Audit Log – https://----escape_autolink_uri:a03ded6cd97ffffa8f7b4e1454f3eecc----.org/plugins/wp-security-audit-log/

Bedlion: That will capture every event, you can search it as well

Bedlion: Someone adds, edits, deletes a page, post, cpt, media object, uploads anything, sends anything, installs, de/activates, deletes themes, plugins, etc it’s logged.

Bedlion: Yep, kind of a “must have” for the security minded.

Mercardo: How to add code to wp config without putting it in wp config?

Dickstein: Shebbi: probably by using an include_once call from wp-config?

Dickstein: Which you probably don’t want to do