Ok. I still haven’t managed.

Cunnick: Paginate_links uses the current value defined by the_post I believe, not 100% certain I’d have t olook

Dickstein: I can’t see an obvious way to p*** in the target query

Enstad: Ahh of course, you don’t want pagination, you want the_posts_navigation perhaps ?

Dickstein: Oh. I’ve got my nomenclature wrong?

Regal: Pagination would be if the post was split with the !–more– tag

Gallmon: They know which query to paginate for because you can force that, and at any one point of time, the global $post only populates one queries’ object anyway

Dommel: Next_posts_link or next_post_link should work regardless

Dickstein: Ollivierre: ah, ok. I’m trying to either get a list of numbers which will take the site user to a page with the next set of posts, or “next/previous” links.

Dickstein: I’m doing this on a static front page too. I seem to recall that this can complicate things

Mcconnal: Yeah you want the_posts_navigation 😛

Banez: Just make sure you’ve called the_post first, and make sure you call the_posts_navigation before you reset the loop

Dickstein: Ollivierre: is there a page in the codex for the_posts_navigation?

Warzybok: Https://developer.----escape_autolink_uri:a03ded6cd97ffffa8f7b4e1454f3eecc----.org/reference/functions/the_posts_navigation/ ?

Dickstein: Ok. so ‘the_posts_navigation’ simple echo’s ‘get_the_posts_navigation’, which ***umes that it is being used in the main loop.

Dickstein: So, how would I force it to paginate for a custom query?

Trickel: Brandis: Yupyup .d or .dev cant’ remember which or both?

Liverman: It’s a very extensive one though

Murano: Http://www.Ollivierre.net/Ostiguy/developer-references/

Dickstein: I honestly did try it.

Dickstein: But I must be missing something: what do you mean by “resetting the postdata”?

Barbish: You didn’t know you need to reset queries?

Dickstein: Like I said before, I havent worked out pagination yet.

Dickstein: I’ve always found it confusing

Knaus: No you need to reset post data / queries no matter what

Kast: As long as you have created a new query

Dickstein: Interesting. for some reason I’ve never absorbed that bit of info.

Duntz: Probably the source of most of your grief

Trennell: You should read up on how the loop and queries work

Flurry: Then you’d understand why a reset is needed

Dickstein: Like, I write custom queries every other day. and I’ve only ever seen advice to “reset the postdata” when trying to do pagination

Hinegardner: You were probably lucky in the manner that your queries didn’t end up stacking

Lujan: Hey guys, how do i get started with wp theme development? would appreciate for someone pointing me a good tutorial

Dickstein: Ok, I’ve got this so far: http://pastebin.com/xZvcB5Qc

Dickstein: Still no pagination though

Dickstein: Aforavi: the best source I can think of is “digging into wordpress“, by Chris Coyier

Dickstein: Aforavi: but there’s tons of info in the codex

Dickstein: Https://codex.----escape_autolink_uri:a03ded6cd97ffffa8f7b4e1454f3eecc----.org/Theme_Development

Szermer: Aforavi: it is a good thing to start with a good starter theme, like underscores

Cortinas: Aforavi: Google result for underscores wp theme – http://underscores.me/

Jenista: Mpol: & Ostiguy I’ve got a starter theme with me now

Dickstein: Ok, this is what I have so far, but I’m still not getting any pagination: http://pastebin.com/YFvvpsxN

Dickstein: Whoops. I missed something out in that paste. here’s the corrected snippet: http://pastebin.com/Jm58RqfH

Dickstein: Ok, next attempt: http://pastebin.com/CC9Q8c2X

Dickstein: Still no pagination showing though

Dickstein: Ok. I still haven’t managed to get it working. I’ve posted a question on wordpress.stackexchange, if anyone can help: http://----escape_autolink_uri:a03ded6cd97ffffa8f7b4e1454f3eecc----.stackexchange.com/questions/201899/how-do-i-get-pagination-working-with-custom-wp-queries