Knox3871: well, yes and no.

Kunimitsu: Themes do have stylesheets

Gorr: I suppose. it would just be a lot more difficult i think to edit the stylesheet i think

Sterry: And i’m afraid i’d ***** something big up

Kassman: Erusko: think again. and learn CSS. :

Dickstein: Erusko: external style is best practise. If you inline css rules, you’d better have a really good reason for it

Welding: Erusko: are you tweaking an existing theme?

Lavoie: Pixolin: Can you explain better? or a link at least to understand how to register a widget area

Liskey: Lavoie:

Williamson: You can actually skip the part how to create a widget, which is somewhat complex. should do it for now.

Michelin: Hello I’ve got problems with a few things on my wordpress website after changing the permalinks. I can access the website but some ressources like categories and other links don’t work anymore, I get a 404 error. When I change the config to default all things work normally but I need to change the config because of the plugin buddypress whitch doesn’t work with default. Did anyone have this error too?

Ansari: Hepheistos55585: What kind of 404 page are you seeing

Rushing: Is it styled like the rest of yoru website, or completely separate ?

Kounce: Look at your .htaccess file

Norvell: Make sure that mod_rewrite is present the default wordpress htaccess rules

Soteros: Ollivierre: That is one thing that I don’t know cause I’m new to wordpress

Rohlfing: That should take care of it

Areias: Hepheistos55585: You should be able to see if the 404 page looks like the rest of yoru website or if it’s just a big white screen with a little bit of text on it :

Mcteer: Know387: okay, i look at my .htaccess file

Zanardi: Ollivierre: the site doesn’t look like the rest

Boonstra: Knox387: RewriteEngine On

Peake: I think that should be okay

Christison: Hepheistos55585: Are you using a shared host or are you running the server your self ?

Ling: Hi all! I’m looking for “known good” whitelists for a Web Application Firewall that I’d put in front of a WordPress installation. Is there any kind of source for this?

Mccumber: Ollivierre: I am using my own server

Goade: All right, are you using apache ?

Dahm: Excellent, form the command line, enable mod_rewrite: “a2enmod rewrite”

Grippi: Then restart apache: services apache2 restart

Estela: But i think that it already had been enable

Mayhorn: Dd you also restart apache ?

Karvis: And now you are seeing ?

Crabtree: Do you have a link to your site

Galvez: Https://

Elbahtity: You’ll get an certificate error cause i used a self signed

Wheelis: Go to Settings permalinks, pick the permalink you want ot use and hit the save button twice

Reichmann: Seems that that doesnt work

Tjandra: And you got no errors when saving the permalinks or any messages ?

Oborny: Hello, ive copied the code and the database from a live wp site, and am running it locally, but when I try to log in, the form redirects to the live site

Franqui: Gavburt: If you rename the WordPress directory on your server, switch ports or change the hostname applies

Wahlund: We don’t have a proper facility for cloning this site and running it locally, im a bit stuck

Girbach: Ollivierre: no the message says that the new permalink structure was enabled

Hlad: Hepheistos55585: And apache said the rewrite module was enabled when you tried to enable it ?

Arancibia: Knox3871: well, yes and no … you need to change it, but if you do so manually, chances are high you at least break your settings.