So new records will come in.

Loschiavo: Of course, if you still use Netscape 3 like your javascript. it won’t work

Maymi: I am using localstorage for getting the same appearence after refreshing my page is refreshed in one min. when page refresh, DOM is generated again when you use localstorage

Jerde: Yansanmo: luckily i didnt program back then yet

Birts: Ooh that’s quite nice

Leab: Did u create cool applets?

Lori: Before the .style API in Netscape

Lendo: I’m still learning a few of the html5 tricks, that’s brilliant . almost as nice as the php5.5 p***word encryption api

Slocumb: Hey any response for me?

Henricksen: Thanks again for the help gentlemen : Have a good one

Fairfax: Hellyeah: you didnt ask a question

Franzi: I am using localstorage for getting the same appearence after refreshing my page is refreshed in one min. when page refresh, DOM is generated again when you use localstorage ? that was a question 😀

Huizenga: I dont read a question there

Rubeo: Hellyeah: Is the dom generated again on pagerefresh when I use localstorage?

Cupples: Umm, of course it is I think

Giliberto: Localstorage has nothing to do with DOM or?

Kimmel: It provides some kind of global variable storage

Abney: But thats alrdy it I think

Gilbo: Localstorage is also persistant

Parilla: I have lots of button and when you click button table shows up

Bendu: But page refresh in one min automatically

Claybron: Page refreshes automatically

Wiltz: I dont want to generate all buttons ovver and over again

Guagliardo: I have an array in the fashion {id: 4}, {id: 21}, {id: 12} I need to remove all those elements having id equal to any element in an array, e.g 4,12

Graybeal: Sounds somewhat annoying xD

Tela: Xatenev: meta equiv content

Weinzinger: How can I accomplish that with lodash or simple JS?

Bos: Xatenev: system has to work like that to get last records from db

Watlington: SecondArray.foreachfirstArray.containsthis.value; diegoaguilar

Andreula: Multiple threads work in the bandend

Digges: And records constantly change

Augello: Just pseudocode of course I dont know the exact writings of most JS functions xD

Diachenko: Var a = 4,12, b = {id: 4}, {id: 21}, {id: 12}; b.filterfunctionel { return !== -1; }

Mate: Yansanmo: object {id: 4}, {id: 12}

Leisenring: Well cant you save the DOM in the localstorage?

Harbolt: And replace the DOM then? :p

Mckeand: Var a = 4,12, b = {id: 4}, {id: 21}, {id: 12}; b.filterfunctionel { return === -1; }

Mate: Yansanmo: object {id: 21}

Vosika: If you are already on that ugly code Lol

Saverchenko: Hellyeah: you shouldnt reload ur whole page

Szerlong: Instead use setInterval with an ajax call

Kassabaum: Yes thats what i try to avoid

Millien: Hellyeah:

Padro: So meta equiv content refresh

Schooling: Then u can refresh the div every 5 seconds

Nosbisch: I need to avoid this right

Mazuc: Instead setinterval and ajax

Aylock: User experience -9999999

Archangel: Aswell if its that important to reload, u can reload every 2 seconds then

Reifsnider: To check for new DB entries for example

Raebel: Actually my threads work in one min

Opeka: It works and sleep one min and work and sleep over and over

Schells: So new records will come in a min