I would use “undefined”..

Swinger: I read that Heidisql is written in Pascal.

Nodarse: Delphi? Pascal? I thought that it was 2015 around, but I’ll check again

Nordlinger: I learned Pascal 10 years ago in my first college year xD

Behal: Has anyone succesfully applied to Twitter, what skills are they looking for?

Mehta: Nod****, Yeah, the software my employer sells is the latest version of a piece of software from the early 90’s.

Kaelker: Many people still use Delphi. Probably Pascal too. The latest Delphi version is more modern than Java 7, which isn’t much, but.

Mendrala: I wrote this some time ago but I’m not quite sure why: http://pastie.org/private/axqkiamyz87g9ktlyagw anyone have any ideas what its doing? It acts upon some json which can contain user input say, a users message.

Gerrero: Suttin: string ‘BOOM’

Suttin: It replaces ‘n’ by ‘n’

Zaspel: That’s what i was thinking, and that’s entirely useless. but there was a reason why I did it. but might be related to if someone was to type n or ” but I cannot be sure.

Kobbe: Ill remove it then i guess.

Driever: I have a simple for loop, in which I use a setTimeout to delay the execution of some code but the code always says the last tell in the array. http://pastie.org/private/xa00k7nxhankhmmvyno87w

Hilz: So whatever tellteslls.length is, that will come out tells.length times

Suttin: You need to create a closure

Nemes: Hi, good morning : I have an initialize function I want to p*** an initialized calendar out of so I have it available elsewhere to add data to it when necessary, how do I go about doing this? i tried l70, but i can’t get the function on l70 to have the variable

Lantis: Http://hastebin.com/poqenunacu.coffee

Gerrero: Suttin: If something is only being applied to the ‘last’ one of many, you might have a scoping problem. e.g.: in for i=0; i5; ++i {doXfunction{ doYi; };} doY’ might only receive 5 as a value. You can solve this using closures, so see !closures. For more info see http://www.mennovanslooten.nl/blog/post/62/

Suttin: Nzst, var cal = null; at 4, cal = initCalendareventsData; at 21

Emore: Suttin: thank you, should i be uncomfortable about that being global? and is there anythin I can do to ***uage that anxiety?

Lacey: Js a = new Date; b = new Date; a, b;

Gerrero: FffuuuL: object object Fri Sep 04 2015 09:06:40 GMT-0400 EDT, object Fri Sep 04 2015 09:06:40 GMT-0400 EDT

Hemmings: Okay, same line, same date

Suttin: Nzst, it’s not global since it’s a var inside a function scope

Shimomura: Js a = new Date; b = new Date; a.getTime, b.getTime;

Gerrero: FffuuuL: object 1441372032749, 1441372032749

Suttin: Nzst, your function scope start at 3

Walchak: Suttin: thanks, i’ve had my head in angular for too long

Ammon: Suttin: thanks, I got it going. This guide was especially helpful http://brackets.clementng.me/post/24150213014/example-of-a-javascript-closure-settimeout-inside

Agricola: Can i explicitly unset a variable?

Gayle: Js var a = 42; var = null; var

Gerrero: FffuuuL: SyntaxError: missing variable name

Hall: Js var a = 42; var = null; a

Gerrero: FffuuuL: SyntaxError: missing variable name

Mathie: Js var a = 42; a = null; a

Gerrero: FffuuuL: ReferenceError: a is not defined

Faville: Js var a = 42; a = undefined; a

Gochal: Is that the proper way?

Nodarse: FffuuuL: either null or undefined, choose one and be consistent.

Barrale: What would be prefer?

Dunkan: If you had to work with third party code

Dalke: Not that it matters for my problem but out of interest

Nodarse: Just to mark that is was deliberately.

Prys: I would use “undefined”. When you expect a variable to be unset you don’t expect to get “object” when calling “typeof” on it.