Fris: Yeah, I’m envisioning.

Kuehner: Http:// see the view source output

Ficklin: Fris: that’s a nice simple gulpfile

Gurnett: Garuti: I’m running it off a pretty plain Ubuntu install locally, no plugins.

Kuehner: The format of gulp files is more “human” readable than grunt, so its easier to understand for someone getting into automation like this

Counter: I guess there’s no simple solution to what I want to do. I’m thinking that I’d be fighting against the architecture of wordpress. or probably any CMS really.

Bunyea: Remaly: Ohh, I see why you are confused =

Finken: Garuti: Yay screenshots

Edd: Fris: I guess so. I just learned Grunt first, so I find it a little easier to read. But only because I learnt by rote, and didn’t really learn node.

Cauchon: Bobdobbs, i have the .htcaccess file and wo-config, but i noticed that when i try to upload them via ftp to replace the existing one after i hit overwrite file i see that the file is 0bytes on server and i was trying to upload one with size.

Bonawitz: Fris: I kinda get the piping idea from gulp though

Kuehner: Ya, so theme and plugin wouldbe the same

Cope: Get_theme_mods is “one iteration behind” in the preview screen, if you relaod the whoel customizer view you’ll see them sync up

Brimhall: Or if you look at the page outside of the cusotmizer

Teater: Gah, I can’t spell today

Sabini: Fris: how do you mean?

Parise: Garuti: Right. But it’s still strange, no?

Kuehner: They both are the same

Cauthon: I’ve no idea why, but I noticed that on my own setup as well

Walla: It’s messing up my flow

Weintz: I think it just has to do with the loading being done, since get_theme_mods would’ve been loaded by the customzier controller

Kuehner: A gulpfile in your plugin dir wp-content/plugins/pluginname/gulpfile.js with ***ets etc same as a theme

Raiola: And the controller just overlays a fake iframe on top of the real page, it’s a complex beast 😛

Kuehner: Your enqueues would enqueue the min.js and min.css files once the process is done

Catmull: Fris: ah, I think I follow.

Dehner: Garuti: Yeah. ****s to be me I guess. Thanks for the explanation.

Asam: I just want to loop through them not name every single one, anyway.

Kuehner: Bobdobbs same as a plugin shipped with composer for example you download a pljugin from github that requires you to do composer install before the plugin can work cause its not shipped with the deps on github

Salvo: Fris: that hypothetical setup would require gulp I nearly wrote grulp p****s for each plugin, yeah?

Kuehner: Each plugin would have a gulp file yes

Kuehner: But i you follow the same structure they can be identical

Drawe: Heheheh: so I might end up with a bash script that runs down into each plugin folder and runs gulp

Kuehner: You dont have to specify the names of the css and js files since you can do like src/css/*.css

Kuehner: So you could have the same gulpfile for 10 plugins

Pigler: Bobdobbs, whatever i try to do .htaccess file and wp-config.php stay with size 0 bytes

Boeck: Even if i overwrite them or edit them via ssh terminal

Mcgarr: I get no error though

Lesher: Fris: hey, that might actually be less madness with some hypothetical project setups

Gaustad: Chill_Surf: then fix that problem first: make sure all caching is turned off and then check your environment:

Kuehner: For example say you have 8 js files and final result would b e in custom.min.js that could follow suit for all plugins

Kuehner: Then an enqueue to custom.min.js si needed

Frati: Chill_Surf: make sure that your dev files and your production files actually match each other

Sardina: Fris: Yeah, I’m envisioning a project in which all js and css files from all plugins are de-enqueued, or somehow ripped out, and then they are all included into on file. say, “plugins.js”