I’m trying to fit the.

Polich: Pam, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/Input#attr-placeholder http://placehold.it/ , https://placekitten.com/ , http://baconmockup.com/ , http://lorempixel.com/

Pam: Set/! placeholder = https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/Input#attr-placeholder http://placehold.it/https://placekitten.com/http://baconmockup.com/http://lorempixel.com/

Pavon: So columns seemed to work to an extend but it overflows content

Lias: Http://jsfiddle.net/rtqyato2/1/

Eddins: Chez: what do you mean?

Weichel: Ok, this is what i want, i want to combine the first 2 into a 3rd

Antonis: Any idea what i’m doing wrong?

Brucato: I have FF38.2.1 ESR so that should be fine, right?

Eddins: AL13N_work: the image goes first http://jsfiddle.net/rtqyato2/2/

Vanaken: Eddins: also, is there a way to override css without actually specifying the whole lines?

Glasco: Like background: bla,inherit ?

Eddins: No, background overrides background

November: Scratch that, i knew there would be a stupidly simple way to do it with this CMS

Eddins: AL13N_work: I’d also recommend not specifying the gradient the way you have

Penaz: I was far over thinking it

Eddins: Look at a tool called ‘autoprefixer’

Ast: Much greatful for your help oksushi

Buzzanca: I made a lightbox using cssand juery

Sherburn: When lightbox show scroolbar hides which couse sifting of page

Stoyer: Find the overflow: hidden; and negate it?

Klis: Do you have a live example?

Gradias: I made overfllow hidden to body , u hav to remove that

Fujiwara: In normal css the last statement is interpreted by the browser. How does this work with ::-moz-placeholder? I’m on firefox – sure. : After the main css file I added my style.css which contains .header-main ::-moz-placeholder { color: #fff !important; }, but firefox is still using the main css’ ::-moz-placeholder { color: #767676 }.

Mac: Needs a username and p***word?

Berquist: Hmm i know this one i think, let me look at an old site

Mcelroy: Username is tester and p***word is p***word

Harvilchuck: I will be very thankful for you audlex

Prader: Can you remove the overflow hidden

Schierenbeck: Also where is the fancybox

Kluse: Ah, got it. ::-moz-placeholder was not responsible for the color of this element. *head-table

Kitto: U can remove it from inspect element

Redfern: Please, i dont have access to live site

Mccance: And lightbox will come when u click on cart icon bellow login

Gawlik: It prevents you from scrolling

Decrosta: The best thing to do is this: modal-open { padding-right: 0 !important; }

Arrollo: It will still remove the scroll bar but it will not have the gap to the right

Gallager: D3m0n, Resources to help you get started: http://hashcss.com/schools/

Dayan: There should be free training too

Boney: Not mix up paid and free

Wisley: Should be under Paid Training , no?

Turber: Or atleast distingish what’s free and what you have to pay for

Buther: I think codeacdemy is the same, you get like half the lessons?

Majercik: Howdi. Site here http://mseleni.co.za/hospitaltest/ – why is the footer sitting 8pixels above the bottom. Working fine on parent site http://mseleni.co.za

Eddins: Chrisboom: easiest solution is to apply overflow: hidden; to #ultrafooter. Reason is that the margin and line-height of the enclosed p pushes outside of the 50px height you allocated

Spayd: I’m trying to fit the loading image with the video before the video is loaded, any suggestions? http://ec2-54-77-95-226.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com/sv/