I am trying to draw.

Mashall: The last thing is the mysql table schema

Dolhon: That’s the similar thing I did before 😛

Kaili: Those are table columns the pastebin

Ibarra: Gunnerson: before that.

Dolhon: Yep. I want to generate json string and put it in the textfield onclick

Younglas: Dolhon: you want people to be able to change “godzina dostawy” and then send it back to the server?

Dolhon: And later also other fields

Dolhon: But that’s the first one I’m focusing on

Borne: I think you are looking at something

Lepke: Dolhon: the simplest way is just adding an “onblur” even to each of those fields, checking in that event if the value has changed, and if so, making an HTTP request to your server for that particular field. No need to compute diffs, or use hidden text fields, or anything like that.

Clavijo: Hi, someone has a button with a click event. and calling that same function somewhere else. he’s arguing i should duplicate the code to that function, instead of me calling the click method on that element. can anyone tell me if there is any good reason to do this?

Konopacki: Dolhon: QuirksMode Events guide http://www.quirksmode.org/js/introevents.html

Konopacki: Dolhon: XMLHttpRequest – Web API Interfaces MDN https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest

Valree: Dolhon: take a look at both of those.

Misek: Makalak are you triggering “click”?

Brandi: Why not just call the handler, instead of triggering the event?

Abelman: Unless you don’t have access to the handler

Mcdonel: When you trigger ‘click’, the event bubbles and who knows what else is going to be called

Donnel: Gunnerson, since i dont have access to the handler directly. thus either i duplicate the code or invoke a click

Madise: But im specifically calling that button for it function

Dolhon: Dolby: I don’t even need the json string on every click. I need it at the end of sending form only

Gentelia: And what do you mean by bubbles MinusFour

Langness: I’ll give you an example

Varel: Http://jsfiddle.net/tk34a2cn/

Odriscoll: If you click on child, you also call parent

Petru: Because the event bubbles

Panah: Here’s triggering the event from JS http://jsfiddle.net/tk34a2cn/1/

Weigelt: Dolhon: if you have a button to send the entire form, you don’t need to do *anything* in JS. You need to compute the changes on your server anyway, because you can’t trust the client, and at that point you’d be already touching every row in your database, so might just as well make that a single update query.

Mailes: Gunnerson, in my case, whether i click child or js call click, i get the bubbling effect

Dolhon: Dolby: I think you’re actually right. I was looking for harder way of doing it because I got used to this way

Dolhon: From previous project

Dolhon: These geometrical shapes

Kamens: I have a little question : Is it possible to have several mutationObserver s listening at the same time? If yes, does each of it catche every mutation?

Dolhon: SVG doesn’t really have $_POST values

Didriksen: Makalak, that would call more than you need, unless you actually need to call all those functions

Pullman: Gunnerson, i know get what you mean by bubbling, but if me calling .click or actually clicking it would cause it. there is really no point in duplicating the code. as I’m meaning to stimulate that button function.

Dolhon: Dolby: your last answer was actually the most accuarate one XD

Dolhon: Simply “don’t use js”

Emswiler: I probably should have lead with, im actually trying to stimulate the function

Mordue: I am trying to draw somethings with canvas but if I redraw many times inside requestAnimationFrame or setTimeout loop, the things becomes slow/unresponsive: https://jsfiddle.net/8bfzrzu0/ uncomment line 108: //requestAnimationFrameloop; Is it because I am drawing the rect’s “incorrectly” or something?