Dolhon: oh, the thing.

Dolhon: Dolby: I want to save every change in each row and override the sql previous data

Dolhon: No fancy stuff or ways of solving

Dolhon: Textfield which would be hidden is to p*** the data to PHP

Lecher: Dolhon: Are you generating SQL from that data and then p***ing it to your server?

Dolhon: I’m only including the data that has changed in the JSON string

Dolhon: And from then. php will do the stuff

Vanruler: Dolhon: so you send a JSON diff to your server?

Dolhon: Yeah. that’s not an issue. only issue I had was generating the dynamic number of sub-arrays

Dolhon: Yansanmo: and what if I wanted the array number to be the # number? wouldn’t always be increasing sequence 1,2,3. can also be 4,6,15 as well

Dolhon: And for that, I would need arrays 4,6,15.

Fracassa: Dolhon: everything is the issue here : And we can only point you to a solution if you clearly describe what problem you’re trying to solve, and the context of that problem. I’m asking questions to clarify those two.

Moncion: Dolhon: anyway, which format does this JSON diff need to be? What does your server expect?

Dolhon: Anything. I can actually have it in any format I’d like and I can handle it. I just have MUCH more experience with php than js

Dolhon: But I think the json string would be the most comfortable format

Kilbert: You can still access the desired array index

Feliu: Dolhon: okay, so why does it need to be only the changes?

Dolhon: For each id in the table marked with # on the table I need an array with specific name ==id

Minchey: Like: var arr= ; arr5 = ‘id5’; arr15 = ‘id15’;

Laverdure: Just don’t count on the length property

Meinert: That’s not what arrays are for.

Teagues: Well i suppose an object would be better then

Dolhon: Dolby: doesn’t need to be only the changes actually

Dolhon: But why do I need anything else?

Kochmanski: Dolhon: so you can send the entire data, rather than just the changes?

Simenson: Dolhon: computing diffs is hard.

Mckelvey: Dolhon: so if you don’t need to send only the changes, it simplifies a lot the amount of work you need to do

Dolhon: Would not be really comfortable as I’d have to check for differences

Sanez: Dolhon: let’s talk about the data you need to send. What is this data?

Dolhon: Instead of having a ready list

Remy: Dolhon: why do you need to check for differences?

Dolhon: I don’t want to override all of mysql rows everytime 😛

Dolhon: Just the ones with some changes

Burgo: Dolhon: you’re storing it in separate rows in your database?

Hilles: Dolhon: why do that? Isn’t it supposed to be a single thing?

Dolhon: Http://

Dolhon: And every row on generated table

Dolhon: Is one row in the database

Provost: Why not update just the row you are modifying

Dolhon: Gunnerson: that’s what I want to do whole time XD

Dolhon: But I need to know in which row the data has changed

Wojcik: Dolhon: so, in that thing, each of the weird names is one entry in the database, right?

Seard: Dolhon: frankly, it’s so little data that you should just update everything

Applebaum: Computing diffs would be a lot of work, for no benefit

Dolhon: Dolby: it’s a script for drivers in some company

Dolhon: Every would have some number of packages to deliver

Dolhon: So there would be number of drivers * number of packages rows

Dolhon: Simply number of packages

Dolhon: But still would be much

Lacombe: Dolhon: oh, the thing you’ve shared now isn’t the same thing you had shared before the one with weird names and lots of weird geometric shapes