Opsec: that is the old site.

Lokan: Ring roads and crazy loop de loops

Espinosa: Opsec: they’re called traffic circles LOL

Defilippi: Or round-abouts if you’re in boston

Aures: And I can not understand how people can’t figure out how to use them haha

Miera: If more cities had them there would be less traffic

Lokan: Moosejaw: add that code into your main css file at the bottom and refresh the site. . that’s not really what i asked for though ;

Jeng: Catuca: WP ships with jQuery. You just need to enqueue it — thought the plugin should do that itself.

Jeng: Catuca: forcing a jQuery version is a bad idea — things may break.

Lokan: Moosejaw: what you should do is load up the *old* site *and* the new site. . old.northwestadhesives.com . something like that

Behrendt: Opsec: that is the code currently in the main css file that styles the old menuthat isn’t working with the new wordpress menu system

Lokan: Moosejaw: and you should never work on a live site, especially if you aren’t skilled at it ;

Kimbril: Opsec: I’m trying to help someone fix this so i dont have access to all of that, renaming wise.

Lokan: Clients are probably going there as we speak

Hulin: Opsec: im sorta stuck.

Monger: I cant understand how a company with international brands as a clients can’t hire a frakkin pro.

Lokan: Moosejaw: it’s probably doable in about an hour. but not without the previous site

Kretschmann: Moosejaw: tell them to hire someone to do this for them.

Lokan: Scavotto: it’s common, everyone wants to keep whatever money they have

Lokan: Even if they have 10 million ;

Forsgren: I hate people this week

Lokan: Unless you’re the koch brothers.

Wiedmann: Everyone I have run into for the last 10 days has been a half-**** “pro” who can’t do the most BASIC aspect of whatever job they’ve been hired to do

Aherns: From cutting hair to making smoothies. EVERYONE has ****ed

Lokan: If i could feed humans as a tasty snack to some alien that likes to chew. that would be fun ;

Lokan: I’d just get everyone together and spray some of them with BBQ seasoning, some with bacon cheddar. and for the sweet tooth honey cinnamon!

Jeng: Scavotto: I watched a youtube tutorial on open heart surgery, so if you need any, let me know. If I run into trouble, I can get help on #thoracicsurgery

Troller: No one values professionalism anymore. neither the people who are hiring or the people working

Depugh: Well let’s not pretend that web dev is nearly as important as surgery in the grand scheme of things.

Putney: Also, I can do 80% of what most doctors ive encountered can do. which is freaking GOOGLE MY SYMPTOMS

Lokan: Scavotto: websites are easy, c’mon. it’s not like it takes a degree — real comment from a woman yesterday.

Hladik: Dont even get me started on that BS

Gilliard: Opsec: you mean real comment from A TROLL lol

Lokan: My finger involuntarily went to the “end call” button.

Jeng: Scavotto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NxKHiLFCfQ

Lokan: In fact, it does take a degree ;

Lokan: Or at least the level of constant study that gets you a degree

Holdiness: Opsec: thanks for your help, i just removed the menu code so i can work on the style on my own. bummer i couldnt get it done for her today.

Jeng: I have multiple degrees. Today, I’m at 98.6

Lokan: Moosejaw: see if you can get the old site loaded up somewhere

Lokan: Moosejaw: if you can get it loaded i can see about helping you with it later in private, i have a date with my daughter in about 2 hours though ;

Lokan: We’re going to powells city of books.

Mazingo: Opsec: that is the old site.well the current theme. the menu functionality within wordpress wont work since the theme was done previous to that available function.