Nootrope: and you still.

Baccam: Just because its not the same plugin doesnt mean it doesnt have the same back door

Holling: Would have been too easy, if they all used the same funky plugin

Tschoepe: Renter wordpress-websites-continue-to-get-hacked-via-mailpoet-plugin-vulnerability.html">

Tschoepe: There were a few websites that did not have MailPoet installed, but further investigation revealed it was on a neighboring website which was out of date and not patched or protected.

Tschoepe: But its aboe my paygrade to find out how this happened

Divan: That is just so old – I mean – almost a year now

Leeth: I know some of the sites are suid, so site1 should . not be able to infect site2

Sanghvi: Renter: again. this is why people are telling you to LOOK AT THE LOGS. otherwise its literally poking around in the dark. Discussing it doesnt make any real sense. its just guesses that are VERY general and still wouldnt tell you anything particularly.

Carney: How can I add an error message to WP session flash?

Carney: Sorry Guimares. Like in other PHP applications, you can flash a message to the session when an input error occurs or when an activity is completed successfully. How do the “alerts” show up? Boxes at the top of the page with messages admin side.

Houle: Carney:***_Reference/WP_Error

Lego: Carney:

Loggin: Carney: if you need to store info for an error message you can use transients. i think that would be your best bet

Gudgel: Guimares: Not sure how I seem to have borked my local cacheing so badly but, after adding an the wp_enqueue_scripts action to load my theme explicitly using the parent theme’s version there is not change to the strangeness. And it’s just me, others who load the same page see the latest CSS.

Drager: Nootrope: dude. its just you because its cached. Just change the version number and be done with it

Gouldsberry: Nootrope: its simple

Edholm: Guimares: But help me understand one thing.

Kuba: I am appending the version number from the parent theme, following the pattern used in the parten functions.php enqueue function. Where do I define a version for my child theme?

Tekautz: Nootrope: i told you. just look at the code in the parent theme that calls the enqueue_script for style.css . how the version number is added will be clear. Just copy the same idea to your enqueue_script for your child theme

Fraley: Nootrope: although what i dont understand is why you have to change ANYTHING on the parent theme. You should not be changing the style.css in the parent theme at all. so there should be no different versions

Basone: Hm. seems like the base theme was hooking all over the places, but my custom theme doesn’t. leaving some my signup page css-less.

Duffie: It was easy as pie! : But it doesn’t work. When style.css loads with query string ver=2.5.3 I get the stale CSS. If I load the CSS in a browser using no ver= or another number it loads the latest. And to be clear, I am changing Benzing in the parent theme.

Fedak: Nootrope: WHICH style.css are you talking about? You arent being clear at all

Mannino: Maybe I should find a better base theme and restart.

Risden: Guimares: Sorry, I’ll be more explicit

Graciani: Guimares: Armed with your suggestion I consulted the parent theme’s functions.php and copied the function containing wp_enqueue_style to the child theme’s functions.php. The result is that when I load the site using the child devtools shows ?ver=2.5.3 the parent’s latest version number appended to the child style.css. When that happens, I get a stale page.

Sachez: Nootrope: please pastebin that section of the child’s functions.php

Stephanski: Nootrope: i did not say copy/paste teh whole thing. I said look at how the code is adding the version number and mimmick that

Martorano: Guimares: Similarly, if I load the child style.css into a browser window via its URL, it loads the stale one.

Klees: Nootrope: and you still haven’t expanded on my question so i’m going to move on