But if one of the files go.

Fara: Http://pastebin.com/u8r9z8cw

Jeng: AmrX2K: what’s your URL?

Jeng: That’s the whole file, rapid?

Fara: Http://pastebin.com/yiT6PpmY

Lacross: Okay go into the folder /layouts/

Satar: And pastebin: template.php

Jeng: AmrX2K: please disable the maintenance plugin

Demichiel: Jeng what were you talking about when you said ugly

Jeng: It’s its own framework

Fara: Http://pastebin.com/UaU67Qhy

Fara: With the lines before the doctype, could be that ?

Fara: Layouts0/template.php its from –

Arns: Hello guys. a quick question here. Which one is the most flexible theme and most optimized for mobile devices?

Teall: I was told Genesis. but its 60 bucks. I want to make sure it is worthed

Fara: And I agree stern haha, thats one of an ugly theme. But I’m helping a friend with his website, I didn’t create this site

Jeng: That’s not the right question. the question is “what theme has the functionality I need and Halcom more?”

Hartley: Latrina, there is no solid answer to that question, opinions may follow

Shipe: Jeng: well I need a basic theme and that is optimized for mobile

Vibbard: Defcronyke: yeah you are right. I wanted to hear some opinions and possibly suggestions

Lendon: All i know is don’t use the theme i’m using called Optimizer, it’s code is not understandable and bloated

Klan: I see. well since I am a noob when it comes to web coding, I’d rather have a solid theme behind which I can than take the time and customize

Jeng: Latrina: there are dozens and dozens. What functionality do you want, ’cause twentyfifteen is “basic” and “optimized for mobile”

Donohue: Jeng: grigs, and I don’t know what else

Jeng: Latrina: if you want to code up your own, start here: http://underscores.me or if you want something bootstrappy, wordpress-bootstrap-starter-theme/">http://themekraft.com/tk-wordpress-bootstrap-starter-theme/

Vess: I want to be able to wrap pictures and text in single boxes and be able to hover them

Mierzejewski: Ah no no way I am going to code up my own one 😛

Delerme: Https://----escape_autolink_uri:a03ded6cd97ffffa8f7b4e1454f3eecc----.org/plugins/content-views-query-and-display-post-page/ — I am interested in doing something like this on my homepage, each block in the grid would pull a post from a different category. Is it just using the get_excerpt function?

Jeng: I don’t use the commercial themes, so can’t recommend any

Fara: Momo_ sry for annoying, I posted the template.php http://pastebin.com/UaU67Qhy

Jeng: AmrX2K: still there? If you have a file that keeps coming back after deleting, your site is probably hacked.

Lawless: Rapid: No worries! Sorry this is where your answer lies: include$this’path’-path’layouts:template.config.php’;

Entzi: Is there a config.php in the same folder?

Fara: Yep http://3.1m.yt/U94fTmiaE.png

Gearing: Pastebin it Haha Raid

Fara: Http://pastebin.com/WSGWJft9

Ikeard: Rapid looking at it now

Fara: Thx dude you are awesome !

Fara: If we wont solve it, ill take those words back so watch out ;p

Jeng: Fonts not loaded using enqueue. oy

Fara: Http://2.1m.yt/4JtxEKpQ.png

Jeng: Rapid: how about just reinstalling the theme

Jeng: Wp rocket cannot fix bad coding

Jeng: It just tries to compensate for it.

Fara: I see, well I didn’t make the website, and i’m not a wordpress “expert” to do such stuff :

Fara: I would rather see if there’s a solution for that first

Jeng: I don’t see a category ID echoed anyplace here

Fara: I agree the theme is one of the worst I have seen

Jeng: But if one of the files go fubar’d somehow, then reinstalling might get rid of the problem