Xgc: You said to run that.

Chimal: Alright.back to the PHP root

Aton: Catuca: we do joins in PHP, it is fun!

Anslow: I think there’s whole discipline at that

Willmott: Corelational Algebra & Corelational Database Management

Martirano: Hello. I’m researching phone number storage right now. I want to store phone numbers in a normalized way. For example a phone number in the USA would be like 101 123 4567, but optionally a country code could be provided 1 101 123 4567, and they would still be the same phone number. So therefore just storing the phone numbers as they are given from the client wont work because 1011234567 and 11011234567 would be recognize

Wegiel: D as two different pieces of data for the same thing they represent.

Tito: So my question is, how can I store phone numbers in a way that is normalized and covers the majority of countries at least?

Tornatore: Xgc: Hey, I have no idea what happened before. my computer just decided not to work

Deason: ChrisWJ fixed their issue by truncating the replication tables in mysql

Benvenuto: Wondering if someone can help explain something to me real quick as this was rather confusing to me from the optimizer perspective…

Carmen: Select * from table limit 10000; = full table scan

Zapel: Select * from table order by primary_key limit 10000; = full index scan

Fillare: Select * from table order by primary_key desc limit 10000; = just instantly gives me my 10K

Garno: The table has 350M records, the table scan is a 15M operation, the index scan is a 5M operation the last was a 1S operation

Rahn: Questions basically are, why does the first do a full table scan rather than using the primary? the second is why does it need to scan the index or is that not quite what it is doing?

Laronda: Whats really odd is the last 2 queries yield the exact same explain plan.

Creeley: Hi, I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on a subject. I use to use Delete From foo order by bar desc limit 5; to delete some older records, but now Its throwing me a error saying sql error near order Niedzwiedzki error. Has something changed?

Pyeatt: B3nt0: this is working for me.

Mclelland: Well. it must be my installation than. because it was working for me as well before thanks mwillbanks

Classon: Are you using a keyword? :

Hainey: Aka is one of your columns a mysql keyword?

Swatsworth: Datetime is certainly a mysql keyword

Hannan: I’m guessing that the column is not quoted?

Minnerly: No dice maybe datetime is not a keyword

Deason: Mwillbanks: did you look at session handler stats for each form?

Deason: Mwillbanks: mysql select .; mysql show session status like ‘handler%’;

Deason: Mwillbanks: reconnect each time

Waxman: Deason: i did not but seems like that might be a good thing to look at; thanks for the tip

Deason: Mwillbanks: you might need to force indexprimary if optimizer is in a bad mood

Deason: Mwillbanks: is the table partitioned?

Deason: Dont partition the table btw

Trites: TheMineBench: If you have any furtehr questions, just ask.

Begnoche: Xgc: I’m still kinda confused.

Pettis: Xgc: Why would that statement have a duplicate?

Knotowicz: TheMineBench: Which statement? Why not refer to the sqlfiddle I showed you: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/4d13d/3

Landefeld: How can I SELECT x LEFT JOIN y WHERE no x=y has y.status foo

Wygle: Ziro: Use the ON clause.

Scachette: Ziro: Then WHERE y.pk IS NULL

Bostian: Ziro: If status is part of the join criteria, place it in the ON clause.

Shifman: Xgc, sure I have the rest of the query set up it but i can’t invert the status clause

Doyon: Xgc: You said to run that command then find a duplicate, I’m confused why there would be a duplicate?