Setting /usr/sbin/mysqld to.

Givan: First, run ‘iptables –list -n’ to see if you have any rules

Hunkele: Salle: that’s what Deason was saying

Campbell: Mcgriffin: all 3 directions seem equal: target prot opt source destination

Deason: Http://

Deason: Jmss: get help with iptables from your sysadmin/host or maybe some other chat channel

Bruff: Jmss: you mean like this:

Deason: Jmss: you need to save the new rule, and be aware of other things that manage it, like ufw or a control panel

Deason: Netstat -plant grep mysqld

Deason: Maybe it only listens on what you have in bind-address

Deason: So you connect to that potentially natted ip, instead of

Griswell: Jmss, then like he said, it’s most likely bind-address or skip-networking

Chow: Deason: with your change to iptables it did not work

Deason: Jmss: be sure to delete the change, then. next check bind-address with netstat

Dirienzo: Netstat gives: tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1056/mysqld

Deason: Iptables -D INPUT -s -m tcp -p tcp –dport 3306 -j ACCEPT # DELETE THE RULE

Deason: Jmss: connect to

Deason: Instead of localhost or

Kurdziel: Jmss: there’s your answer

Harrod: That’ll bind to all interfaces IPv6 and IPv4

Deason: As would commenting it out.

Deason: But we don’t need to do that.

Mavle: Error: SQLSTATEHY000 2003 Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘’ 111

Deason: Jmss: nc -v 3306

Deason: Might want to apt/yum install nc first

Kalbfleisch: Nc: connect to port 3306 tcp failed: Connection refused

Massini: Do I have to restart something after iptables rule adding?

Haver: Jmss: is that command run on the server with mysqld?

Sanks: Deason: he didn’t have any iptables rules defined

Joyce: Jmss: run “my_print_defaults mysqld” and past it at

Deason: Pedward: i didnt see that in a paste, it is presumably firewall if bind-address= and nc: connect to port 3306 tcp failed: Connection refused

Deason: Or something like tcpwrappers

Bies: Deason: I pasted an empty output and asked him if it matched

Deason: Pedward: but that doesn’t mean much

Queener: Jmss: what OS/version are you running?

Manalili: Http://

Deason: Sounds like ufw manages the firewall, then

Soza: I was told I could upgrade mysql to 5.5 by just transferring the files to the new server, but the docs for upgrading mention to mysqldump the data and then import once the server has been upgraded.

Froozy: Why the differences in methods?

Agans: Jmss: I am considering that AppArmor is your problem right now

Feig: Https://

Deason: Scott0_: if you came from 5.1, you can use the existing files. start the new binary then run “mysql_upgrade” in a screen

Giacomini: M:

Kitson: M: /etc/init.d/apparmor stop && update-rc.d remove apparmor

Deason: A paste would be useful: iptables -L -n; iptables -L -n -t nat

Scotty: Jmss: what’s the output of sudo apparmor_status

Shoyer: Http://

Deason: DrkCodeman: please do not pm me, ask your questions here for ***istance, plenty of help to go around

Herstad: Jmss: that looks like your problem: sudo aa-complain /usr/sbin/mysqld

Mackellar: Setting /usr/sbin/mysqld to complain mode.