Environments are.

Imig: Salle: that’s what I was asking, what is “always” in this context

Clyatt: Imig: Always has no context

Pleasure: I am running mysql 4.1, data is utf8 formated in latin1 tables, I excport the data dump then import it on another machine identical VM data is not correct

Clyatt: Imig: Always means always

Clyatt: Imig: regardless of context

Imig: Salle: that means that called with the same input it will produce the same results. Having “reads SQL” I was under impression that MySQL would give me stability within transaction

Clyatt: BerhanK: Storing utf8 data in latin1 is known to give you nightmares

Farrugia: Copy and paste the same txt utf8 formated fixes the issue

Hux: Salle: I know but too late to change it atm

Clyatt: Imig: reads SQL means it SELECTs some data from some tables and as such it can not be deterministic

Imig: So if the DB doesn’t get written in this transaction we’re in repeatable read then called with the same arguments we’ll always get the same result

Clyatt: Imig: If the returned value depens somehow on the data within some table it is not deterministic. Should be obvious

Imig: I understand deterministic as an opposite of stochastic, i.e. calling rand or other non-stable function

Clyatt: Imig: non-deterministic != stochastic

Imig: But yeah, it was never stated in the docs and deterministic + reads sql wasn’t erroneous definition for the function

Clyatt: Imig: NOW is non-deterministic, but the values it returns are not eandom

Imig: We’ll fix it, thanks for help

Imig: That’s why he’s called.

Imig: Salle: anyway my point was that I regarded the state of the DB as a variable. but we’ll fix the function definition

Clyatt: Imig: Imagine your function does: RETURN SELECT COUNT*/input_parameter FROM some_tbl; Every time the number of rows in that table changes the result of the function also changes. Thus the result depends on something outside of the function code and that makes it non-deterministic. It is neighter random nor stochastic

Imig: Salle: when does mysql return the cached value?

Clyatt: Imig: What is cached value?

Imig: If I have function myfuncparam int11 return int11 deterministic reads sql

Imig: And it gets called multiple times within a transaction

Imig: Will mysql cache that value between statements?

Zucco: Hello all. I need your help

Zucco: SELECT dsl.account_id,grouped_dsl.max_id FROM diesel dsl INNER JOIN SELECT account_id, maxid as max_id FROM diesel GROUP BY account_id grouped_dsl ON dsl.account_id = grouped_dsl.account_id AND dsl.id = grouped_dsl.max_id

Gavagan: Zucco: tried dsl.account_id = grouped_dsl.account_id AND dsl.id = grouped_dsl.max_id ?

Zucco: But I also need fields ‘last_update_date’ and FROM_UNIXTIMElast_update_date. How do I put that into query? last_update_date is from diesel too

Rossean: Zucco: sorry was too quick 😀

Rumery: Zucco, is there some problem with just adding it to the outer query?

Rumery: If you want the last_update_date of your “latest” suppose thats what you do with the maxid item

Zucco: Rumery: I tried to put like this: dsl.last_update_date, FROM_UNIXTIMEdsl.last_update_date, but values are not correct. I have to tie it all correctly somehow.

Zucco: So, I hafta put like ‘grouped_dsl.last_update_date, FROM_UNIXTIMEgrouped_dsl.last_update_date’ ? should I change something in inner query?

Rumery: Zucco, if your query picks the right id for each account, then it should give the right values for these

Adley: Zucco: sqlfiddle.com is an easy way to share your schema, your data, and the queries you’re testing. It saves us time and makes it more likely that you’ll get an answer! Make sure you set it to use MySQL.

Peacock: So guys, any tips how to basically copy the db from one machine to another?

Mcnany: Environments are identical