If your looking to start.

Ballow: Jsfiddle has weird bugs

Bozovich: Line 9 https://jsfiddle.net/hellyeah/w19xmbbq/22/ but it is absolutely false i am stucked

Briano: But i just can lookup one time when it is in global scope.

Hemans: Input type=”text” size=”4″ data-stripe=”cvc” to get the data it they can i do $this.attr’data-stripe’? the issue is that i have alot of data-stripe

Ihm: Sure, you can if you want to do it that way and reuse a variable

Ihm: Baako: yes, but use data’stripe’ instead

Ihm: And what do you mean a lot of them?

Lisker: Https://jsfiddle.net/hellyeah/w19xmbbq/23/ is that correct now?

Diemer: I have data-stripe=”cvc” data-stripe=”card” data-stripe=”name”, etc

Ihm: Hellyeah: does it work?

Foerschler: Ihm, https://jsfiddle.net/9sqpez0j/

Mellett: Hey im just wondering if someone can help me out with jquery but i cant put it online where it can be tracked as its for education and is checked to see it isnt plagiarised

Bloyd: Ihm: no i didnt see any cl*** is added to the level of $ui-datepicker-div

Magrone: Ihm, will i be able to pick each of them? so i can create an array

Hickok: Heres a pastebin link – http://pastebin.com/NskPiF4H

Ihm: Generically: $’input’.mapfunction{ return $this.data’stripe’; };

Winnewisser: Im trying to get the html to change on click

Ihm: Might get too many elements that don’t have the data element, but you get the ida

Brunetto: Rob_2 fiddle is better

Skillern: Ihm, please look at this http://kopy.io/vR4sk

Midget: Cant fiddle be checked?

Ihm: Hellyeah: open your console

Kington: I need to p*** the number from data-stripe=”number”

Caffentzis: Cvc from data-stripe=”cvc” etc

Ihm: Right, $..data’stripe’ would return cvc

Heiss: Rob_2 jsfiddle is interactive we can see the error or result you get

Abina: But it stores a record online, so i could be done for plagiarism

Mcgary: Ihm, but what does it know about this?

Ihm: Err, what do you mean?

Ihm: The value can be anything, sure

Wollan: You dont have to be anynomous

Thielman: Rob_2 there is lots of fiddle if you google it

Ihm: Hellyeah: are you working on your issue?

Ihm: Looks like your trying to help others, :

Mackler: Jsfiddle damn you and your weird bugs

Bignell: Ihm: i am thinking and i try to help

Ihm: Procrastination my friend

Bonham: You mena delay i guess

Brumbelow: I need to take a small break

Frasher: I guess i find the way

Ihm: To put a cl*** on an element with an id, :

Hirsbrunner: Newbie help: My task is to add products to cartlocal storage i guess on button click and the user should be redirected only when user clicks cart icon

Ihm: So your question is about localStorage/sessionStorage?

Messerschmidt: Yep, i dont know how to start. Im totally new to jquery/js

Ihm: Google “mdn localStorage”

Ihm: Essentially you use localStorage.setItemkey, value and localStorage.getItemkey

Ihm: SessionStorage works the same as localStorage, but sessionStorage invalidates when the browser closes

Roxbury: I did some research online on how to do this and i found local storage but i since im not a js i couldnt find a newbie solution

Guzowski: For the record: im totally new to js

Ihm: If your looking for a solution, sadly that’s not the purpose of this chatroom

Ihm: This is more of a teaching room, so specific questions are what we look for

Ihm: If your looking to start learning the basics of jQuery you should checkout learn.jquery.com