I have a given sibling of.

Checa: Guys I do $.get.fail and inside fail I print the data object. and it tells me the status code is 200 and the data is the one expected. how can it fail with status 200?

Shub: I also do not get an error message :S

Gangler: Are you expecting a json response and not returning a valid json response?

Schurer: Yes I am expecting one bit I didn’t advise it to p**** it yet

Girand: I just do a normal get request for now

Gangler: Show your call in a fiddle or something if you would

Pro: Ok it seems like it detects the json from the filename

Nokleby: And tries to p**** it

Robers: And the json is broken apparently even tho I don’t see what it is

Gangler: Https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/

Maines: Oh my . keys have to be strings too ofc

Baggott: If you look at lines 11-13 here what am I doing wrong?

Journell: Actually here it is: http://pastebin.com/LS4r05hF

Dys: I have var last = activeIndex.eq-1;

Chitty: How should I write this? jQuery”.next”1.parent

Oroark: Essentially when the last quesiton is true i want to console.log “this is the end” when it has no other case-slide elements to go to

Gangler: Jquery549: .eq1.parent

Gangler: Nvm, -x for eq is valid

Gangler: Your compairing an index against an element

Egler: Ok but I have 16 elements

Mclane: And now I need the second one?

Gangler: Did you name change from Konye or sometyhing?

Gangler: Yeah, i’m referring to his/her issue

Deal: No I’m the same Italian of today

Gangler: Wait, that doesn’t even make sense

Gally: Well I don’t know how many italian asking here

Gangler: ActiveIndex is a number and your trying to get the ‘last’ from it

Fraize: Gangler I need to use: this === last.get

Gangler: You got problems on ln 7 and 8

Gangler: What are you trying to do there?

Schmeiser: Gangler var activeIndex = jQuerythis.closest’.active-slide’.index; is to go to the next one

Gangler: That gets you the index of the current one

Barach: Then you’ll see jQueryjQuery’.case-slide’.getactiveIndex + 1.addCl***’active-slide’;

Rosenbrook: That is garbage I think

Mccalebb: I was trying to flag the last one

Fastic: Do I need: if this === last.get- 1 {

Gangler: You could just check if next.length 1 i would think

Gangler: Next gets you the next following sibling. if it doesn’t return any element, then logically it’s the last one

Risko: So.: if next.length 1 { ?

Gago: Or this === if next.length 1 {

Liskovec: If this === next.length 1 {

Gangler: Your pretty hung up on === :s

Gangler: Https://jsfiddle.net/tLhsy76t/

Kerns: That is pretty much what I did too :

Gangler: Btw, two small things. you should consider using an IIFE or jquery closure so you can p*** in $ and use it for your logic. and also you should cache $this if you do it a lot, which you are

Plass: Ok, I will try to optimize

Hirons: Can you explain what you mean by cache?

Obrecht: You mean the browser will cache that

Gangler: JQuery object instantiation is fairly heavy

Chatten: My google-fu is failing me. How do you check whether a given jQuery object set of elements contains a given jQuery object element?

Takenaka: You mean a given element – jquery objects don’t contain other jquery objects :

Takenaka: I use filter.length ofr stuff like that.

Shanno: I have a given sibling of this, and I’m trying to figure out if it’s before or after $this.