Yeah, I think of TeX as.

Duker: Hylle yeah sure, would you give me your email?

Kalinoski: Jmorphion: even in older browsers you have xhr.status

Thach: RonRichie: queen at

Hodnett: My picture was so good

Moyd: Hylle: ‘hot’, ‘cold’, ‘wet’, ‘blue’, ‘plastic’, ‘telegraphy’; I’d have another array ‘color’, ‘material’, ‘technique’. I’d locate ‘blue’ and then find the rest by adding the index from the 2nd array

Remsberg: Hylle: to build an object {‘color’: ‘blue’, ‘material’: ‘plastic’, ‘technique’: ‘telegraphy’}

Castellonese: Hylle thanks for that: Ill send you the link and the way I imagine it, please just let me know if you think I understand it correctly:

Casson: Http:// Does it make sense to repeat the statement on line 12 and 17?

Hillin: Unfortunately not all PDFs are p****d sequantially, so I’ll have to find something else

Vafiadis: RonRichie: FWIW, that diagram is an accurate depiction of what’s going on

Elvis: Are pdfs turing complete?

Steinle: Vafiadis really? Im taking about the recursive one though, it’s still accurate ?

Bredice: I know the iterative one is accurate

Vafiadis: For the recursive factorial? with the 6 * 5 * 4 * 6, etc?

Escribano: Aha, exactly, does that diagram accurately picture as how interpreter thinks about it?

Casebier: The problems I’m running into here aren’t really PDF-specific though, it’s just that a computer has no idea how to read an invoice, lol

Ermitanio: Vafiadis could you confirm that please?

Mann: And you don’t typically send invoices in JSON or something with useful key values

Vafiadis: RonRichie: well, the second half gets the calculation right, and the first half demonstrates the function calls. Demonstrated as a whole, the interpreter doesn’t necessarily split the two halves up like that, though

Vafiadis: RonRichie: but it’s a good approximation/breakdown

Brucker: Hylle: it’s a bit too much to explain clearly. but fear not, I’m ditching that method

Penn: Vafiadis yeah well I get that : the whole point is just to figure out the order of execution and final result, in other words you confirmed what I needed, thanks for that : Im playing around recursive functions so yeah, trying to see how they work

Thach: Tcsc: if PDFs use postscript, then yes.

Vafiadis: RonRichie: have you done recursive array flatten yet? I know you’ve been working on array methods

Coen: Don’t think I’ve seen a deep flatten

Elvis: Hylle: they don’t. at least not all of them do.

Elvis: Wasn’t sure if they replaced ps with something equally weird

Vafiadis: You see it in util libraries from time to time. it isn’t necessarily always useful, and its implementation isn’t necessarily always recursive

Barthold: Vafiadis aha, I still am, but I wasn’t supposed to do flattening, my homework is recurisvely implementing getElementByCl***Name JSONstringify and JSONp**** functions, hm I just realized, perhaps I need to flatten do***ent model in order to find the needs for getElementByCl***Name function?

Thach: Not really familiar with the PDF format either.

Thach: It’s also weird that people make do***ent formats turing complete.

Vafiadis: RonRichie: not particularly necessary to do it that way, but it’d work

Spracklen: Pdf format is the worst

Elvis: Tex isn’t really a do***ent format

Elvis: It’s a programming language for writing do***ents

Thach: It’s a thing for authoring do***ents

Thach: Which is kinda similar

Hoffner: Hylle: I’m glad I don’t really have to deal with the PDFs themselves. I have a nice library that ****s out a big array of text bits and their coordinates. I’m mapping those coordinates to their meaning

Vafiadis: Yeah, I think of TeX as more a do***ent’s “source code” than the do***ent itself