When calling a.

Tobin: Glancing at the home page, looks like they fill the same role

Archambault: Idk I don’t do dev ops

Heidkamp: Germanaz0, add the diff to the current date

Deval: Yes but with seconds is hard

Burow: Better with milliseconds

Clint: I know, but imagine, in my server the time is 00:00:00 but the client has 00:01:35

Evenson: If you use timestamp, it won’t be a problem

Silence: So if I do something like ServerTime – ClientTime

Bartow: Seems like you should be able to get ms from client

Scarnati: I’m trying to convert this SVG to PNG: http://plnkr.co/edit/hBKnQfJ8o2mVLT5kq3tW?p=preview

Kortright: But I want to maintain the quality

Metil: But the MS on the client is different from my server

Dench: And my clock is always displaying wrong dates

Coral: Converta all dates to utc?

Kurek: Yes but it will not solve the problem if in my server the time is 00:00:00 and my client has 00:01:36

Rodregez: It works if I have in my server 00:00:00 and my client 03:00:00

Hafford: But doesn’t fix the client clock

Bruderer: You don’t fix the client clock, you fix the display

Fierman: You display the client clock + the diff

Gatti: Hi. I asked before but with no answer on best practice: should i encapsulate all I can in functions so everything is potentially re-usable even if i might just need it once?

Selitto: And if i need something twice: should i declare the function inside the function i need it in? or keep it more global?

Mccool: I guess in the function and move it out if i need it elsewhere? but that I touch more code to test later.

Fells: I’m doing the diffs, but no success

Roseboro: I’m always getting a weird time diff

Petersik: Is p***ing parameters to functions faster than closures?

Niess: For example if I have function A { .closure1.closure2 } should I just do function Aclosure1, closure2 and call it with Aclosure1, closure2 ?

Mcfield: Aha http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18692323/performance-of-variables-in-a-closure-versus-as-function-arguments

Ascencio: Is it safe to use Array.fromarguments instead of the slice juggling when an ES6 shim is present?

Scheidel: Sandstrom: can you explain?

Saulino: Sdegutis .slice.callarguments, 0 is a cl***ic to turn the function arguments into an array. Presumably Array.fromarguments does the same thing, but I’m not sure if the shim is safe to use across browsers, because arguments is a bit special. That’s why I’m asking.

Hipolito: If you use es5 shim and es6 shim its all safe

Ornelaz: EGreg: honestly i’d be pretty skeptical of those results. too easy to be effected by context or optimizations the browser applies.

Wible: I guess closures are really fast these days

Secor: As fast as objects and parameter p***ing

Moldan: Which is GREAT if that’s the case

Hardenburg: Because I can have private variables, and less typing, for free

Weishar: Hey all I have a input field and a button. I am trying to fire an addEventListener when along with making an ajax request. All seems to work however one tiny problem is that in order to have it work you have to click the button twice. https://gist.github.com/davidpatters0n/b73aff5ca4e0baee4f0b

Cardinalli: EGreg: closures should be optimised using lambda lifting, when possible.

Mainguy: I am not sure if v8 actually does lambda lifting. I would hope it does

Holsomback: If it does, then I don’t have to do it in my own code which is great

Ornelaz: I always see heap allocations when i make closures

Greenlow: Tcsc: why wouldn’t there be heap allocations

Nusz: How can you avoid them

Autaubo: When calling a closure