Torkable: that looks like a.

Elvis: But Map shouldnt’ be deoptimized.

Cantre: If I create a variable in a function, and the function has executed, do I need to clean up those variables?

Polio: Especially when I ***igned a new instance of something to it

Heimsness: In this case var p****r = new PDFP****r;

Elvis: Some things you have to clean up but most you don’t.

Elvis: Probably less than 1% of things need clean up

Elvis: URL.createObjectURL and the result of WebGLContext.prototype.create{buffer,shader,program,texture,.} are the only ones that i can really think of that are built in

Stogner: What are your thoughts about doing PDF parsing in a child process?

Elvis: As long as you dont spawn a new process for each pdf

Elvis: Just spawn one and send it jobs

Bourgue: Although it doesn’t seem too resource intensive

Wiand: How use grayscale100% on IE11?

Wiand: I need funeral version of my website

Wiand: I need to transform my hole website html to grayscale

Elvis: Unless you do it manually

Elvis: You might be able to do something tricky with svgs though

Weinberger: Css3 filters lag anyways

Defusco: Tcsc: been using the debugger thing in firefox, its immense

Elvis: Yeah firefox debugger is great. chrome’s is great too

Defusco: Tcsc: yeah I’ve never used a debugger thing before so it’s quite novel, certainly beats remembering and trying to trace

Elvis: Oh yeah, debuggers are awesome. definitely miles better than printing out values.

Vansise: Haskell dev don’t agree 😛

Elvis: A lot of devs never got used to them so they don’t realize what they’re missing

Peninger: Hannibal_Smith: is there a good debugger for haskell?

Pytlewski: Torkable, people use GHCi that have various limitations

Ruger: Like not able to debug code that is compiled

Faden: Ghci isn’t really a debugger

Geraldo: So you will not be able to step inside your libraries

Rodgerson: Torkable, well it’s used also as a debugger

Gillihan: Torkable,

Camden: But in practice is a terrible debugger

Dolcetto: I’ve never tried, but isn’t debugging with break points a giant headache

Elvis: Honestly non-interactive debuggers like gdb, lldb, or, from what i can see, ghci leave a lot to be desired

Fonck: Because lazy everything

Defusco: Can you go *back* a point in the debugger?

Cupelli: Tcsc, gdb can be scripted, you can write your own macros

Vicari: Is on a different level from what you have for js, or some other languages

Defusco: Like if you’ve flown through something and wanted to go back a bit after F11-ing it too much

Elvis: Baxx: no, that would be great though.

Budin: Torkable, yes it’s because of the nature of the language

Mejorado: That they have to use such a terrible debugger

Elvis: Baxx: i’ve heard that called a time travelling debugger and they;re not common

Defusco: What has them? Like VS with C# or something?

Smigiel: Torkable, an Haskell dev will tell you that debugger don’t matter in Haskell and things like these

Elcock: Https://

Endsley: Hannibal_Smith: because types! your functions just work!

Elvis: Baxx: i think they mostly cost money

Tanh: Which is acutally pretty awesome when it happens

Niemie: Baxx, C++ and C had gdb that is also a “time travelling debugger”

Elvis: Torkable: that looks like a step in the right direction. i think debuggers need much better visualization tools