STRML: yeah that worked..

Mandujano: Doing the check twice

Mandujano: Or storing it in state

Shimko: Xckpd7: console.log generally prints a reference to the object and the console expands it

Flagel: Xckpd7: Try console.logJSON.stringifyobj

Murilla: Tejasmanohar: this is how I’d probably have written it:

Rothacher: Tejasmanohar: var aggregate = a = b = Object.***ign{}, b, a

Siordia: Well. this is definitely not what i expected to see

Klaich: Tejasmanohar: Failure/Validation would be from here:

Swartzentrube: Which is what I use for all validation stuff

Reinken: STRML: my question has to do with logging the before and after way an object should be and it’s not logging what I’m expecting

Misumi: Xckpd7: Yes, try my suggestion

Delong: Thanks for showing me this library, Sorella

Garity: It doesn’t actually have a .toPromise method, but you could very easily convert Validation to Promise

Brittsan: Usman: I’m working on a live example

Mingus: Xckpd7: Maybe re-read my comment because it addressed exactly what you asked

Berteotti: I did read it but I guess I didn’t understand? let me read again

Foltz: Except i think just for now this may be an overkill solution for my simple problem

Nasalroad: Xckpd7,

Draney: Writing the toPromise funciton and all

Shintani: Tejasmanohar: probably

Bruschke: Just feels like too much 😛

Buel: STRML: I don’t get what stringifying has to do with that

Hjalmarson: Xckpd7: You’re doing this in the chrome console, right

Agne: If i wanted to write a function that’s pretty specific to my use case here and not like a util function that i’d use all over my backend codebase. do i still keep it in the controller?

Crone: For example,a function with the logic i was talking about here if req.body.phoneNumber { const phoneNumber = formatCountryreq.body.phoneNumber; const source = ‘website’; } else if req.body.From { const phoneNumber = formatCountryreq.body.From; const source = ‘cookie’; }

Jensrud: Tejasmanohar: you really start seeing the benefits when you have to do a lot of validation, and compose them. So, for example, instead of failing right away when you see that the username is invalid, you might want to return all of the errors to the user. Data.Validation helps with that

Polfer: Xckpd7: What actually happens when you console.log an object is that the console saves a reference to that object for expansion. And since the object was mutated, what you see is the mutated version of the object since console.log in both cases is the same reference

Norcross: Xckpd7: So if you actually want to see the values inside, turn the reference into a value by using JSON.stringifyobj and logging that instead

Kindl: Tejasmanohar: I don’t do MVC, so iunno

Burghard: STRML: interesting. ok

Schoolfield: I have some “libs” of functions internally like in lib/util/string.js and lib/util/number.js etc but in my controller i don’t know if i should put that function in the controller or what

Billus: Tejasmanohar: I just keep everything logically grouped. So things that belong together stay in the same module

Monsen: Probably a helper in the controller

Herriot: Yeah fair enough i don’t want to use MVC in my next project either Sorella

Carvill: It’s not really “V”, “V” is jsut the API response in my case

Nasalroad: Mvc as in microsoft visual c++ ?

Nasalroad: Multi-Virus Cleaner ?

Cerrito: Opinions?

Nasalroad: I don’t want to see the input/output of hamsters

Drawe: STRML: yeah that worked. interesting. do I need to write some console.log utility to stringify / unstringify?