Sockets in Java is bad.

Gavalis: So I need some advice as to how to go about it

Kimple: Which is a more effective way of dealing with a huge state space being able to visualize that state in different ways

Frontis: Anyone. is pixi.js and p2.js a good fit ?

Worlie: Tcsc, visualizations, you’ve talked about that wrt to security testing before

Kimple: Have i? idk if i meant to, i probably just meant in general

Kimple: Idk all that much about security really.

Dumouchel: What would state visualizations look like? or what would they model

Kimple: In games it can be a lot of things. vector orientations, charts/graphs, .

Kimple: Just extra things you draw to show where things are

Kimple: Like collision boundaries

Kimple: Any time you have a vector in a game that is stored, you want to consider strongly having a way to draw it on the screen

Kimple: Any time you have a number that changes per frame you will want a way to see it and usually how it changes over time

Kimple: If you have something encoded as a state machine you probably want to write out the current state at the very least, and for something like animations you would like to know state transitions too

Hatake: Is node 4.0 out today?

Brost: Tcsc, no, but iojs and node are supposed to be releasing their official merge and from what i undersatnd it’s just gonna be called 4.0 for the hell of it

Chenot: Whether that’s happening today i’m not sure

Harken: More than client-side js lol

Harju: Hello, I’ve been working with node.js and mysql all day, and I am stuck on callbacks. I know how to use them mostly, but there must be something I’m missing, because I can’t figure out how to return information from them. Can anyone give me a tip? I tried to p*** variables into the callback, but after the callback they’re unchanged

Harju: Hehe I finally figured the naming out

Reuther: Mind pasting some example code?

Konopacki: Harju: A function you p*** to another function expecting it to be called when you’re done with it, and want to p*** the result of the function on i.e.: where you’d use return.

Harju: I could paste my work from today but it’s hecka long

Kapusniak: Woah, Konopacki responded to that really quickly.

Harju: Ecma, I put a function at the end of my callback, using the value I needed. But I’d prefer to return that value to a scope outside of the callback, rather than delve deeper by nesting another function call

Dreyfuss: Harju: you might want to look into something like promises or tasks.

Casalman: Harju, try just pasting the bits that you expect to work but don’t

Konopacki: Harju: Show some code, but don’t paste it on the channel. For frontend code HTML/CSS/JS, you can provide a test case that we can run, so that we can help you: use , , or . For Node.js code, use sites like and .

Ornelaz: Harju: if you mean what i think you mean by return stuff from them, you cant do that

Ornelaz: There are ways to improve the situation somewhat though

Harju: Ugh, I was never good with futures and promises and multithreading

Harju: I was going to just make a paste on pastebin, I think it’d be too much code to paste into here

Gearing: Harju: think of it as building a pipeline for values

Gearing: Harju: you’re not going to smush stuff back into some global context, you’re going to connect up your code to pump data into the specific places it’s needed

Gearing: Harju: so p***ing stuff on to another callback is perfectly reasonable

Gearing: Promises help do this conveniently.

Harju: I’ve worked with sockets in Java so I kinda get pipes and streams

Harju: Here’s the code with output:

Harju: Http://

Youn: Sockets in Java is bad.