Oh wait, I just remembered.

Kalkman: But I don’t think there’s a single method to get non-own props

Simank: Kalkman: None of those methods successfully prints the style property.

Carosiello: Emaczen: lol I had to make it draggable http://jsfiddle.net/xs5me3n2/1/

Sirbaugh: It’s actually a lot quicker than I thought it would be

Kemmeries: I expected it to just lag behind the cursor

Yanosky: Gillice: What does .css. do behind the jQuery interface exactly?

Mcdannald: Is it doing trackedObject.style.position = event.pageX etc.

Mandonado: Emaczen: not sure what the function looks like, but it just sets the CSS properties for that element

Neither: Emaczen: as if you are defining it in a stylesheet

Phyfe: Style.top, style.left

Walko: Deltab: Thanks! This is what I needed to know.

Vafiadis: Neataroni: it works by instantiating things and p***ing them into one another using function arguments, there may be a hidden gllobal object somewhere but there’s no guarantee that it will all actually be accessible through a normal object tree

Panchik: I have a javascript ‘cl***’ with a member, nodes, that is a plain object. I am using this cl*** as a manager to manage instances of Node. I would like to keep the member immutable to the outside world, while allowing the cl*** of which it is a member of to add values. How might I accomplish this?

Gribbin: Gillice: Thanks for taking the time.

Kalkman: Emaczen: that’s because you didn’t read what I wrote :

Kalkman: You can use for.in to read up the prototype chain I believe

Cavallaro: Kalkman: I’m just a bad reader. lol

Kalkman: Console.logfoo.style will print the .style object

Zirkind: Shorthand for jQueryfoo

Levatino: A variable holding the result

Eason: Didn’t know you could write $foo like that

Dinsdale: Var $foo = $’.some-selector’; is what he means

Rabren: Js names can use letters, digits not at the start, _ and $

Lango: Just like you can use ‘ in haskell, so conan_o

Kalkman: Gillice: well the variable $ exists so certainly the variable $foo can exist

Lango: Just like you can use ‘ in haskell, so conan_o’brien is a valid haskell variable

Cernuto: If you’re using jq I imagine you’d use $foo.css

Lango: You typically cache $foo early

Manoso: BeanHolez: thanks, I expressed that badly

Kalkman: Right, but generally you don’t want to repeat jquery calls unnecessarily, so when you call it first time you’d do var $foo = $foo;

Kalkman: Then $foo.css; $foo.hide; $foo.show

Kalkman: You can call it what you want but convention is usually that $foo is a jquery collection

Plowman: Yeah, $foo is just a variable name, not a way of calling $

Remsen: Kalkman: I imagine this doesn’t really work out for input elements?

Kalkman: Gillice: what do you mean?

Lango: Except $$ is a chrome console-specific thing. not that it only is, but they called dibs

Stcyr: Kalkman: $bla.val would be a snapshot of whenever you set $bla = $’#bla’?

Hauke: Or would you always get the latest value?

Kalkman: It’s just normal JS, there’s no magic there

Kalkman: Parens = call a function

Massengale: Lango: it’s also Prototype’s function that does do***ent.getElementsByCl***Name :-

Kalkman: Which returns the value of the first element of the collection

Minto: Yes, but as you change the value of that element. does $bla update with it?

Lango: Otherwise it would be kinda useless

Kalkman: Well, $bla has nothing to do with the value

Vafiadis: Oh wait, I just remembered where active scope properties get stored in angular. but neataroni has quit. oh well, it was probably a sketchy use-case anyway