Like function{thing: ‘yes’,.

Croke: Those I would not expect to be crazy O.o

Coomes: Yeah i mean the optimizers are also crazy.

Jandreau: Https://

Wixom: Here’s an example of the craziness of some of the optimizers:

Friehauf: Honestly it’s probably easier to understand than v8 or spidermonkey, if only because of how much less code it is

Jeffress: Pypy is crazy too. crazy-awesome :

Jeffress: Well, rpython specifically

Mounce: Well, PyPy isn’t written in aCembly.

Trucchi: I like lua a lot feature-wise

Trucchi: I don’t love the syntax tho

Jeffress: But it does have a magic interpreter-jit thing

Synovic: It could be a lot better

Jeffress: We’re using that in monte

Boulger: Dash: oh, yeah, it’s pretty neat.

Johnston: I know Tulip is being implemented in RPython because of that

Jeffress: Dekok: a revised/updated clone of E with python-style indent syntax

Trucchi: Dekok: speaking of lua, if you haven’t seen this yet

Trucchi: Dekok: code here

Valdes: Trucchi: that looks neat. I hadn’t seen it.

Trumpp: Dash: interesting. I’ve still only glanced through E’s features, need to read more about it.

Jeffress: We’re hoping to have a release early next year.

Saathoff: Specially because it solves some of the problems I need to distributed computation, OCS

Jeffress: Dekok: sure. javascript does too now, though

Simko: Erm, is it a research project*

Jeffress: Dekok: we’ve tried to do as little research as possible :

Brehony: Hey dash, is it possible for browser windows to have mime type support builtin

Muccia: Rather than relying on the client OS?

Matty: Https://

Alpers: Jeffreylevesque: what does that mean?

Stockman: I’m going to change to file extension validation

Cummiskey: Jeffreylevesque: you can spoof user agent strings

Zambotti: But, would be cool if firefox had it built in

Mccoun: Jeffreylevesque: browsers and windows dont have mime types though. mime types are for code and media

Persyn: Built in mime type definition within the clients browser, rather than clients os

Harris: Jeffreylevesque: you can just copy the entire table of mime mappings and common extensions, then try to use that information to determine the mime type of a path. It doesn’t help with things that have no extension though

Hellar: If you have strin ‘x’ and string ‘X’ can you use comparison operators?

Evanko: To see if they are equal

Rampy: Jeffreylevesque: you mean universally recognized commonly registered IANA mime type names?

Tronzo: Django_: normalise them, and use the === operator

Bonina: Dekok: what oes normalise mean?

Ewer: Django_: by normalise I mean convert them to uppercase or lowercase

Masch: Dekok: you mean define the mime type path on my local machine OS?

Usman: Jeffreylevesque: take a list like this:

Usman: Map extension to a list like this

Usman: Look at the link I sent you

Meuler: Would i require everyone of my users to do that for their machine?

Lecain: In ES6, can i set default JSON parameters to a function

Usman: You would include the mapping with the code that you want to get the mimetype for

Claunch: Like function{thing: ‘yes’, otherThing}