Jslave: setTimeoutx =.

Derbyshire: Trucchi: a proprietary language for data ****ysis I designed for work

Trucchi: It’s a pretty important method

Trucchi: Oh, you mean a perf hit, so they want to re-implement it and just haven’t done so yet? not that they plan on eliminating it?

Caleb: What i mean is – i wonder if there’s an overhead for using flatMap as the guts for everything

Trucchi: That’s why I’d rather define flatmap in terms of map

Frueh: The RxNext implementation is suuuuper focused on perf

Ogaldez: Im confuzled on how flatmap comes before map lol

Rossingnol: Its all set up for perf testing, so if you’re bored, go for it :p

Trucchi: Higuchi: yeah I’m a little confused by that too, honestly

Amazan: Https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJS/tree/master/src/operators

Studdard: Higuchi: well, you can call it bind, if the name confuses you :

Courchesne: I don’t think its the name that is confusing me

Trucchi: Higuchi: what she’s getting at is- well, bind in a monad is what the “then” function is on a promise

Trevithick: I was thinking js bind

Trucchi: Which, yeah, is the same as flatMap

Niesporek: Never thought of it like that

Delley: Really need to start diggin into haskell again

Trucchi: Dekok: but since a map function doesn’t do the “unwrapping”/flattening that flatmap would do, wouldn’t it still make more sense to define flatmap in terms of map?

Hougland: See https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJS/issues/60

Bevelacqua: Maths have unit and join. It’s just Haskell that has return which is unit, and = which is join map f xs.

Trucchi: Dekok: nevermind, I get what you’re saying. rather than explicitly unwrapping the mapped result for flatmap, you could just explicitly wrap the unwrapped result

Vollenweider: And Scala calls = flatmap.

Hansche: Whereas, e.g.: fantasy-land calls it chain, and Mermaid calls it chain:

Trucchi: It does make more sense for unwrapping/flattening to be the fundamental behavior

Trucchi: Rather than something you have to explicitly do

Shirer: I’m not sure either of them is “the most natural” for every data structure. But both are possible

Trucchi: Anyway, I hunger. back a bit later!

Martinson: You can have map, and join, and then you derive flatmap. Or you can have flatmap, and of, and then you derive map

Trucchi: Yeah, I’m on board with that

Gramley: Think lift is what roughly what y’all are talking about

Trucchi: I’ll let you know if it isn’t after I’ve read the code ;-. Anyway, food time!

Durnell: SetTimeoutnextnext_var, delay_hander; if there is a timeout within delay_handler, would next get delayed as well?

Rorabacher: Jslave: 1,2,3.mapx = x * x

Linzie: HowardwLo: not really

Cokely: That would probably just fail to work as you expect it to

Linzie: HowardwLo: That’s just all worrying

Thoms: This is throwing a ‘cannot read property players of undefined’, do I need to check for ‘race’ too? http://pastebin.com/dtFs6dPY

Saborio: Buu: how do i get it to delay ? 😀

Nasalroad: Giraffe_, you need to check race

Keet: HowardwLo: setTimeoutdelayTime, callback

Schieler: Hagb4rd: doh did i ahve it backwrads

Mayoka: Ya i ahve my delay_hander return a value to delay by, but when i run my code it just fires everything off

Linzie: HowardwLo: you need to p*** a function reference to setTimeout

Nasalroad: Giraffe_, typeof undefined is ‘undefined’, not ‘null’

Wakley: Nasalroad: string ‘undefined’

Bettino: Race !== null because thats what find_in_array returns

Heverley: Jslave: setTimeoutx = echo’boom’, 10000