JS is single threaded, you.

Western: Is there some way to, say, get ahold of that section’s environment?

Cucuzza: Does anyone have an example showing a callback function actually returning a value? Every example I seem to find just shows the value being used e.g. console.log within the callback function.

Yonkoske: Does the argument to map count as a callback

Pagel: Specifically, here’s the problem that I’m having. I can show data within the callback function but can’t seem to get access to it afterward. http://pastebin.com/XcNHeDaZ

Shahinian: Geekeasy: You can return from a callback. but not from an async callback

Kinlaw: Var n = 0; function foo { ++n; return foo }; try { foo } catche { printn }

Konopacki: Dolby: undefined; Console: 3000

Singelton: 20914 in Chrome. But Chrome p***es arguments on the stack, so it also depends on where in the call stack it is, or how much you’ve used Function#apply.

Lepley: And by Chrome I mean v8.

Moriarty: Https://twitter.com/mraleph/status/640969526797037568 -Ahahaha

Ezparza: Mottram: you either want to run that through some TCO compiler, or trampoline it, or convert it manually to an iterative algorithm.

Allamon: Hannibal_Smith: what’s that from?

Mottram: Dolby 20914 chars in chrome? That could be the problem. So I should split the string in parts and then call the function on each one after each is done right?

Loden: Mottram: not characters, that’s the maximum-stack-size

Ehnis: Dolby, http://www.sitepoint.com/measuring-javascript-functions-performance/

Schallhorn: But it might be more or less than that, depending on several things

Mosbarger: Mottram: what’s your function?

Arnaud: Cl***ical Inheritance: Cl***es inherit from parent cl***es :: Prototypal Inheritance: Objects inherit from parent objects

Pociask: Rurik: cl***es are objects in most cl***-based languages.

Froehner: Rcyr: How do you get data out of a asynch callback then?

Shahinian: Geekeasy: You can’t, the callback is the continuation point of your program

Coletta: Conceptually, I’d say they’re not.

Atiles: Pietrzykowski: how so?

Bleininger: They’re only objects in Java when you start using the reflection API, where lots of behaviour becomes objects.

Shahinian: Geekeasy: The line that would have normally been under the async function call needs to be in the callback

Hugley: Pietrzykowski: I was thinking Ruby, Smalltalk, Python.

Gearing: Geekeasy: you don’t get values out, you put more code in :

Waiki: But particularly Smalltalk and to a certain extent Ruby

Mottram: Dolby: nothing complicated just echoing a string with some delay http://pastebin.com/97ZinkTX

Credi: Though cl*** objects defining themselves is *awkward*

Sholes: Rcyr: But in the pastebin example I posted, there has to be some way of getting access to the p****d data. What am I missing?

Shahinian: Geekeasy: The p****d data is accessible where your comment says so

Shahinian: Geekeasy: because p**** is async, line 13 to 15 are executed before the completion the of p**** and before line 5 to 11

Shahinian: Geekeasy: When you create a function that uses an async function then your function needs to become async.

Shahinian: Async infects everything.

Ill: Rcyr: Thanks. The docs for p**** don’t seem to say that it’s async, but maybe that’s just implied. And I’m going to see if I can find a sync version because that’s what I really want in this case.

Shahinian: I have no idea of what’s you’re using.

Shahinian: Geekeasy: Looks like node stuff.

Shahinian: Geekeasy: Then look at the do***entation of the library is a sync version exists. even though it would be a bad idea

Shahinian: JS is single threaded, you don’t want to stop the world while your csv file gets p****d