In other words: I have some.

Dais: If for some reason, a user doesn’t have JS enabled, when they make a request to your site, the server which doesn’t know if JS works or not sends a single HTML page as a response. If you have a static webserver e.g. lighttpd, then it just sends them as they are on the filesystem. But if you have a dynamic web server e.g. using Express on Node.js, it can send different web pages based on server controlled cookies or other metadata from the

Dais: Request. But otherwise, once it’s sent, if there’s no JS on the client, there’s no further code ran.

Dais: So whether you have code running on the web server is immaterial to whether the client can run JS.

Mckeel: Let say that im using a dynamic server

Erice: I have whatever I want on that server,

Toplistky: And I want to support users that have disabled js for any reason

Zelasco: So with running js stuff on the server side, it wouldn’t be a problem, right?

Moussette: I don’t know why I always tried to stay away from js

Dais: If you have JS on the server, it will still run even if the client has JS disabled.

Dais: Same with any other server side code.

Seier: And it doesn’t affect page load speed too, right?

Baque: It can affect how fast data gets sent to you

Yeeloy: Because it might be faster than php

Hormell: Javascript is pretty freaking fast

Swingler: In some implementations

Lurvey: Also known as most popular implementations

Panrell: There should be some downside with js as server side scripting language, then why php is so popular?

Salvio: Btw I don’t know about php too

Pipe: Php is easy to use if you don’t know anything about anything

Iribarren: But it seems that many tasks can be done with both of them

Hinojos: It’s popular because it’s popular, that’s why

Dais: Atralheaven_: X is popular in tech because X is popular. It almost never has to do with technical excellence.

Stenson: Atralheaven_: most “cool”/innovative languages are not popular

Chabez: Rust, haskell, idris, purescript, etc

Dais: Atralheaven_: Yep, most server side languages are interchangeable.

Dais: Xnil: Rust is too new right now. It’ll be popular in the future. ;

Wilford: I’m really hoping for it

Dais: Haskell reinvents itself too often, as it’s focused on research, not production.

Hambleton: I think purescript is a nicer haskell

Cambronne: How about the language itself? how well is it designed? as someone who knows about several languages, may you tell me about some pros and cons of js?

Gaubert: Atralheaven_: php is absolute crap.

Devries: Compared to it alternatives

Blare: Js is usable, at least

Helminiak: I like to mask it with some other language, like pure/livescript

Bessel: I wont have time to learn them all and try them and get this answer myself 😀 my studying field is not related to computer at all!

Sawka: It honestly takes just a few days to learn a decent amount of each if you really focus

Rapisura: Btw I like to use open tools, I mean, I dont like to learn or ues any tool/language from microsoft etc

Bowerize: Microsoft has open-source tools

Spanton: Php is not open-source i believe

Overshown: Javascript has many implementations, a lot of which are open-sounce

Woldridge: Should I use closures i.e. function {}; or objects var app = {}; to create a namespace kind of thing?

Uran: In other words: I have some variables that I need to be able to access from a couple of different functions. If I were working in Python, I would just make a cl*** and make them into member variables and the functions into methods. But since there are no cl***es at least in the traditional sense in JS, what’s the best way to emulate that behavior?