I fead some stuff about.

Kozlak: Sambrook: r u being serious?

Sambrook: MEGAGHZ: you never know man.

Salado: Thought about actionscript for browsers

Bohnsack: Sambrook: but JS is already Scheme!

Sovak: MEGAGHZ: it’s going to be around forever. Sadly.

Rubash: Cone, no change at all

Cone: It’s still detecting it as a parameter?

Sambrook: Hameen: where is my macro?

Fauset: ECMA6 will be better huh

Gerrero: Sambrook: sweet.js http://sweetjs.org/

Sanzenbacher: Apparently they’re merging that in ES7 or something

Cone: Use, encodeURIComponent

Cone: To encode the whole url

Burg: Yes, but only aroud window.location.href

Dunlow: Anyone know how to do cross-domain resources in a script? The server doesn’t have php that I’m woking with so I can’t use that, only pure html, css, and JavaScript

Cone: I thought &data=hello was part of the url you wanted to encode

Levario: No. &data=hello is another parameter

Gerrero: Foshie: Cross-origin resource sharing http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/ allows browser to negotiate access for cross-domain requests – for example with XMLHttpRequest – as a way to work around the same-origin policy. See also: !same, http://caniuse.com/cors , https://developer.mozilla.org/en/HTTP_access_control

Gilbertson: So, the URL irsn’t the only parameter sent to ASPX

Ailey: Wow, thats so insecure!

Dunlow: Hameen: Is that usable in the GitHub RSS feed api?

Sambrook: Hameen: the beauty of macro is that basically you can delete most of the spec, like do or iteration stuff. it’s all macro from then. I’ve never thouhgt writing my scheme implementation would be useful one day: https://github.com/sck/ponzi/blob/master/boot.scm

Cone: MDTech-us_MAN, but does it work now with encodeURIComponent?

Dunlow: Hameen: Actually, just found http://crossorigin.me/, so thanks 😀

Sambrook: But surely implementing tail-call optimization was one of the last things for going full scheme.

Sambrook: But the detriment of full scheme is that your GC has a lot more to do than in javascript. scheme is basically while1 { mallocsomehting } . and that’s not fun for any GC. javascript is smarter there

Sambrook: Dash: not entirely sure to be honest. maybe it got to do with the fact that the compiler cannot really do static ****ysis for scheme. because it needs to execute the program to do that. whereas in javascript the compiler can judge the code. it can just look at scopes e.g. to see when things would need to be deleted

Sambrook: Also with macros v8’s hotspot ****ysis will fail. eval is poison for the jit

Kehres: Underscore has ‘find’ for collections and ‘findKey’ for objects

Frerking: Is there something like ‘findKey’ filterKey? which works like a ‘filter’ for objects but returning object keys

Flosi: Sambrook: heh? It can do static ****ysis on Scheme without executing it

Morelock: If you mean macros, the compiler needs to execute them, sure. But the runtime-values and compile-time values are clearly separated in different phases. It’s not like Kernel, where every runtime value is a first-cl*** runtime macro

Cone: Ura i don’t know about underscore but you could do a function for that pretty easy

Mizzell: Im trying to make a POST XMLHttpRequest p***ing json data. The browser detects the sended payload as Object instead of json string. If I put a string the server doesnt recognize it.

Bramer: I did put: Acept: Application/json

Eyton: And content-type: application/json

Salkeld: Did I miss something?

Weisenfluh: Yeah, sure I can, but I’m currently doing the opposite, more I’m learning underscore, more I replace my code with more concise underscore calls

Cone: Ura, found it: you are looking for pick

Cone: Http://underscorejs.org/#pick

Jerding: I fead some stuff about Array.prototype.reduce. But it is not vanilla javascript is it? Is it just a Mozilla thing?