How can i create a page.

Elvis: Gillice: you probably want to bucket them so that close together floats are identical

Tolbent: But it’ll be looking for 4.839 exactly, for example, not 4.839000000000000000000002

Elvis: Are considered identical*

Follick: Deltab: strange strange

Quittner: I need to figure out how to do that efficiently for multiple reasons

Elvis: Gillice: that’s known as quantization

Elvis: Well, that will at least point you in the right direction

Compres: Because there might be tolerable variations in the given coordinates as well

Schwaller: See: please

Barts: The first has one space between AGROFRUTAS and AGROFRUTAS, the second has two spaces

Elvis: Gillice: actually, since your numbers aren’t going to be in the 0,1 range quantization isn’t what you want

Elvis: You could just do Math.floornum * precision/precision

Elvis: Before putting it in a table

Elvis: Where precision is something like 1 / minimum allowed difference

Elvis: So like 1000 or something

Jeppsen: Tcsc: so I’d have to multiply the coordinates by 10 a few times to allow for that?

Dituri: Otherwise I’ll just end up with 0 everywhere

Edwads: Math.floorcoordinate * 1 / precision I guess

Elvis: Var precision = 1000;30.001, 30.0006, 30.0014.mapfunctionn { return Math.roundn*precision/precision; }

Mate: Tcsc: object 30.001, 30.001, 30.001

Elvis: Precision should be a fairly large number.

Pilkey: Can somebody possible check if is up for them? It’s hosting some ngrok binaries and I can’t seem to get to them :9

Elvis: It should be the inverse of whatever your maximum tolerance is

Elvis: And round is probably more correct here than floor

Struber: Tcsc: hence Math.roundcoordinate * 1 / precision ? that allows me to determine the precision based on the coordinates without having to inverse it manually


Migl: Never sure about the accuracy of those sites :

Elvis: Hm. determine it based on coordinates how?

Suskin: So I guess Math.roundcoordinate * 1 / precision * precision

Pardoe: Or coordinate / precision

Elvis: Sure. but how would you determine it based on coordinates. it needs to be fixed for a given lookup table.

Karry: Tcsc: yes, it’s determined manually

Samona: But it seems inconvenient having to invert it manually as well, and set it in the profile like that

Elvis: Well, it doesn’t make a big difference.

Elvis: It depends what you think of the input as.

Earls: It does, it requires you to know the code when profiling and determining the precision

Dellamore: It requires more insight about how that number is established

Elvis: Eh. it’s somewhat subjective. i think both require knowledge into how you’re going to use them.

Trettin: When I switch browser tabs in chrome, so far, my javascript in the background tab gets paused. When I switch back to it, it appears to attempt to catch up. but it only certain logic seems to be able to catch up. For example, anything sent via a websocket while it was in the background gets received after it gains focus again. Meanwhile, I have some time-based math which it seems to just skip. What is the nature of this pause/resume? What k

Ojeda: Ind of things can it really resume

Habrock: Tcsc: you’d otherwise only have to look at the set of coordinates and just literally observe the leeway and note it down

Moncus: Without having to worry about converting it in any way

Boero: How can i create a page where “/” has some content and its the home state, however when someone at the top menu is selected that content is changed