Anyway. yea. im lazy and.

Amith: But the stuff you find on stackoverflow is for text content of nodes, not attributes or script tags

Gull: Madsy: do you want to do it on the server or in a browser?

Gull: So why not create DOM nodes?

Sallade: E.g. if you want to use user generated urls in href’s, you have to worry about javascript:. and stuff like that

Gull: Madsy: what are you trying to do?

Okane: What’s a good approach for ‘wrapping’ a canvas’s 2d context? e.g. if my canvas is 100 height, and I render a 200 height image to x 0, y 50, it would show the top 50 pixels from 50 to 99, on the canvas, and the bottom pixels from my image at 0 to 49

Reidel: Jkoudys, you’d have to manually tile it

Mazzacano: Draw it 4 times or whatever

Somerfield: Gull: I made a peer-to-peer chat as a demo with WebRTC. The content sent between users needs to be escaped before it is displayed.

Casilla: Madsy, if it’s just text, the best thing to do is set element.textContent

Fordham: Cheerio is quite powerful and still lightweight to handle such issues

Senk: Madsy, second best is to use a template library like handlebars

Fordham: Like escaping html etc

Fulwider: It does basic escaping by default

Riggle: Biddlecome, gotcha – so I’ll just putImageData the same image once where the y aligns with the top of my image, and again where the y aligns on the bottom

Petzold: So if my x offset is 0 but y offset is set, 2 tiles, if they’re both something, 4 tiles, and if both 0 just 1 tile

Reik: Yeah, better to generalize it, though

Schlitz: Biddlecome, I built a screen rendering engine for Game Boy on top of a 2d-context. Trying to recompile to a less-accurate but more modern approach of essentially just drawing all the sprites as ImageData on a canvas

Thavichith: Works really well, but I didn’t realize I’d need to write this scrolly logic. Could slow it down quite a bit :

Royals: Jkoudys, you might want to try pixi.js

Traw: Webgl is really fast with tiled textures

Laskowitz: 2d canvas is really terrible for tiled textures

Fordham: Or spritemetm; javascript:function{var%20spritemejs=do***ent.createElement’SCRIPT’;spritemejs.type=’text/javascript’;spritemejs.src=’’;do***ent.getElementsByTagName’head’0.appendChildspritemejs;};

Gibbings: Biddlecome, yeah I’m finding that. I’m already using webgl shaders for my scaling engine using a hq4x algo that looks maaahvelous

Arey: So maybe I’ll just convert it to 100% webgl rendering right now and save myself the headaches later

Fordham: Just put into addressbar and hit enter. or bookmark

Lickert: I’m actually finding canvas much less useful than I thought it would be. If I want to manage vector shapes, I’ll do them in SVG. If I want tiles, that can be pushed to WebGL which many browsers probably render SVG in already

Erenrich: Canvas is great for modifying raster images, but I don’t love it otherwise

Fordham: It just draws sth to screen

Fordham: And it does very quick

Fordham: If you expect vector imaging .no

Fordham: You have to put it on top

Ornelaz: Imo canvas2d is great for getting an idea on the screen quickly

Ornelaz: You can also usually make it reasonably performant with a bit of work

Fordham: You can nicely get every 2d context and overdraw it

Ornelaz: Webgl is better for a lot of things but also isnt as widely supported

Fordham: Doesn’t webgl draw on canvas?

Ornelaz: That’s why i said canvas2d

Fordham: So webgl is better than canvas2s, right?

Loera: Biddlecome, any good resources to read up on other than pixi.js? Looks like a good lib, but I’m mostly playing with this to learn the technologies involved

Fordham: Anyway. yea. im lazy and even use three.js