Try to have a semantic as.

Keba: Is there a method to put a nav which is at the bottom of the dom display like a traditional sidebar nav?

Tardif: Ash_work: yes – but you probably want that it persists even when scroling, right?

Bucklew: Bottom of viewport vs bottom of do***ent

Plank: Actually, scrolling isn’t a big deal

Oberg: Ash_work: well, one easy approach would be using position: fixed; and bottom: 0; on it

Otwell: It may work already as you want it

Lanteigne: Lemondom_: no. cuz it comes after the content

Gainer: And it should go left of the content

Greenhoward: Adding border-bottom to my li tag causes it’s height grow. Do you know how to prevent this behaviour?

Storbeck: Ash_work: this is called a footer.

Cypress: Ash_work: left bottom then?

Putz: Lemondom_: no no. I mean. I’m trying to do a content-first thing. for accessibility

Rawat: Ash_work: hm, ok – first thing would be logically putting that into a footer html5 element or similar and move it to the end of the markup, below the content markup.

Moretz: Lemondom_: but the nav should appear to be a left sidebar.

Currington: Lemondom_: should it still be in a “footer” ?

Antonaccio: Yacek19: box-sizing: border-box; ftw, check out the article

Fridge: Ash_work: good point – is the nav something that belongs into the footer? is it some kind of “after thought”

Redgate: Yacek19: * { box-sizing: border-box; } – or only for the element when the rest of your layout hasn’t been prepared for its awesomeness 😀

Prial: Yacek19: one can change the mode how the browser treats element dimensions, border-box means that an element “grows inside” except its margins

Tammaro: Lemondom_: erm. it’s a primary nav. My instinct was to put it in a navigation element

Woodridge: Ash_work: alright, let’s say there would be no layout or special styling, where should this nav been shown? is it an important/primary nav the user always should be able to use?

Kuhtz: Is it a nav that belongs to an article or section of it?

Chanthaumlsa: Lemondom_: atm; there is only 1 section which is the primary content

Milillo: Lemondom_: Idk if that answers your question :

Sciacchitano: Ash_work: I try to understand the purpose of the navigation. I mean, sure, styling/layout is decoupled ideally from the ,content/markup. But when you move the navigation to the left bottom of the whole do***ent, then I wouldn’t think it is a primary navigation, right?

Lingner: I mean, it is not a footer-navigation but also not a main anviagiton

Kovalovsky: Lemondom_: I dunno if you’re confused or not. this should be presenteed as a typical 3-column layout with the first being the nav; my hang up is, of course, wanting to be content-first; these don’t appear in order in the dom

Zarlingo: Ash_work: got picture of what you’re after?

Zielonko: Ash_work: now I get it

Langkabel: Ash_work: hmm, but it isn’t untypical to have the nav first and then the content

Brevo: Lemondom_: I guess I’m trying to be a pioneer then 😛

Thronson: Ash_work: sure, one can trick around with flexbox and friends – but in the end – imagine the site in “reading mode” with default browser styles – the nav should be at top then

Ledermann: Lemondom_: but if it’s just too difficult, I’ll just forget it

Zorko: Ash_work: nonono, you can do that, sure

Lapilio: I forgot about reading mode

Aksoy: Does reading mode ignore abo****e positioning?

Tarbor: It will also ignore flexbox order

Arelleano: Property, that can also be used for this btw

Govia: Hm, and what is also or even more important is to put the main content in main, article and section elements

Guerrero: Lemondom_: yeah, I forgot about main, but I’ll fix that

Balezentis: Try to have a semantic as possible html markup, and then _afterwards_ apply the styles. Of course, this is idealized – but I try to do this always in this order.