Pt is resolution-dependent,.

Bieniek: Align how? I mean it can be used to stack things horizontally or vertically. but I don’t know in what sense that fixes alignment.

Kinville: Just aligning any elements within a div to be horizontally and vertically centered

Torno: With align-items:center; justify-content: center;

Welke: I’ve heard you can also use tables to do this but using flex just seems so much easier

Akles: Frenchiie, tables are for tabular data, though there are CSS table styles to invoke table behavior. Tables are ugly because they behave like tables. That means they do things like making cells as large as their contents even if you asked them to be a fixed smaller size, etc.

Endries: Https://

Gierut: If you don’t have tabular data, then tables are out. If you don’t want the funky behavior of tables, then well.

Cassase: Use what makes sense.

Hinks: I have a simple CSS question about wrapping: I’m trying to build a menu of icons and text. I’d like to ensure that the text does not wrap under the icon. What am I missing? Example:

Labounty: Anth0ny_, not wrap at all or just start the wrapped text to the right of the icon?

Claton: AMcBain: can you expand on what you mean by “just start the wrapped text to the right”?

Pultorak: I mean that when the text wraps the second or more lines start to the right of the icon.

Delellis: If you don’t want them to wrap at all, white-space: nowrap; on the description item is easy enough to do. If it’s the other case then there’s a few solutions. You could float the icon then set the description to overflow: hidden; and also do the same on the parent to contain the floats. Icky, but it works. Also has side-effects that both lines of text are not equally indented with the current paddings.

Temoshenka: You could make the parent have a padding to the left to keep space for the icon, position it relatively, and position the icon absolutely to the left.

Stachniw: Or you can make the parent of the icon/description display: flex; and add flex-shrink: 0; to the icon and watch magic happen.

Lounder: Display: table-row; on the parent and display: table-cell; or something like that may have the same effect as the flexbox approach but may also have side-effects. If you marked the ul as display: table then it would be a true table all the way down, from CSS’s perspective; of course things behaving like a table may not be what you want, depending.

Adels: AMcBain: yeah, display: table-cell did all the magic I was hoping for

Rickenbaugh: Http://

Gushard: Thanks for the thoughts

Munder: I would like to know how to make those right shifting submenus

Belcastro: You know the ones that have the 3 lines and you tap on a mobile device and they have new page slide right

Colker: Hello, could sbd possibly explain me logic behind the behavior of a float, where “resets” the background of the containing element: ?

Gajica: I have 2 divs within another div. I want them to align horizontally and share the same horizontal space but they are on top of each other. Which property do i sue to fix this?

Schultze: How would get a div where the right side is a triangle like this ?

Yanagi: I recall a page explaining the basic trick behind making triangles by halving a rectangle

Kelln: Https://

Hammons: Yea i suppose i could you 2 divs but was wondering if its possible with 1

Zapoticky: What is the formula for converting font size px to pt?

Engelhard: There’s a difference in browsers?

Hinh: Ok, no, I was thinking of 1em=16px

Kahae: I’d discourage using pt in css anyways

Backer: Well. I am handling something related print. where the original data is in font px and the print guys are talking font pt.

Collmeyer: Http://

Dalzell: Pt is resolution-dependent, px is not