Ex element1, element2,.

Brodie: Http://puu.sh/k34Lz/701d154749.png

Livington: I am wondering, is it possible to handle both cases, inline or not, nicely in CSS without having to resort to use two different code tags?

Brodhurst: You want to add code and it should have syntax highlighting?

Garry: No syntax highlighting

Brodhurst: Different code tags? there is a html5 ruby tag btw

Brodhurst: I just confused ruby with ruby

Deharo: I really am just trying to make my site as lightweight as possible

Namsaly: Daubendiek: are you there

Simuel: Hi folks, I got a strange behaviour in safari, input field is overflowed to outside of the parent div in safari mobile http://ibin.co/2EqaBqYsUkX4

Daubendiek: Tucan2, yeah, I’m around

Nicolai: Daubendiek: http://jsfiddle.net/uqbrtLch/7/ trying to apply your jsfiddle to my site’s header but having trouble. can you help position the search thing so it’s right next to the nav menu, and i wnould like the search input to same width as my header?

Schoemer: Hi guys, how would you make a stepping keyframe animation that has only one letter that is changing? say I’d want A, B, C and so on, showing one at a time. and the animation is stepping forwards. if it makes any sense

Daubendiek: Tucan2, I could fix the equal height and replaced the two buttons : http://jsfiddle.net/k5qzqejv/9/

Traxler: Daubendiek: could you fix my jsfiddle with the Bootstrap stuff?

Pastrana: Not sure what you changed here

Daubendiek: Tucan2, I added height: 100% to the form, and moved the haburger menu to the end of form’s div.

Daubendiek: Tucan2, as you know when you use float: right and float right again on two elements the order looks reversed.

Lymaster: I can’t seem to get it to look like that when i use bootstrap

Daubendiek: I don’t know bootstrap. never used that. probably better help result at ##bootstrap .

Waybill: No one talks in there :

Junkersfeld: Could someone help me figure if there is a way to remove the horizontal tabs from this snippet please : http://codepen.io/anon/pen/PPwqKY ?

Junkersfeld: I am using a carrousel js with is structured as this and now I am trying to use a background in full width. Not sure it it gonna work like that.

Daubendiek: Orfeo try img {display:block;} or img {vertical-align: bottom;}

Junkersfeld: Daubendiek: ok, let me try it.

Waloven: I wonder if i should make some marks on the number keys on my keyboard. I always find it hard to hit the numbers when typing blindly.

Junkersfeld: Daubendiek: nothing changed. Perhaps it would be a good idea to move to another slider.

Solian: Hi guys, how would you make a stepping keyframe animation that has only one letter that is changing? say I’d want A, B, C and so on, showing one at a time. and the animation is stepping forwards. if it makes any sense

Junkersfeld: Does anybody knows a carosel slider with deal with full width images to recommend ?

World: Zagaza: you could move around the letters via css so only on is visible at a time.

Desaulniers: No_gravity that’s what I mean, how can I do that?

Murph: Zagaza: well, i would do something like divbA/bbC/bbD/b/div and then style the elements accordingly.

Schei: Ya, I mean how would you make them display one at a time though?

Matterson: Is it possible to leave responsive space underneath an absolute positioned element?

Scarpato: In a sense, yes. but because its positioned absolutely, the other elements won’t be affected by it

Tietge: Zagaza: well, google “css animations”. i usually add “mdn” so i get mozillas docs.

Gambino: Is it a bad idea to have all my elements to display:none in 1 huge css tag?

Bininger: Sisccl: “one huge css tag”?

Mandelik: Sorry bad terminology

Florestal: Ex element1, element2, element3, element4, etc. { display:none;}