Afteraffekt: Yes that’s the.

Sendra: Or at least the 60fps

Trabazo: Hi brilliant people. I have a small issue with scrolling. I’ve asked the question on Stack Overflow but no one can give me an answer. My questions was how do I prevent scrolling main section when scrolling sidenav –

Dura: Sharpmachine: that’s a fairly normal behavior

Frenner: Sharpmachine: what it does

Dejoie: Swander: I know that. What it’s doing now is default behavior. But I want it not have the default behavior. I want it to behave just like$mdDialog

Monckton: Notice when you scroll on the sidenav the main section doesn’t scroll ever.

Ciallella: Sharpmachine: ok, so they use flexbox. But the trick is to put you side bar into a container

Wolvin: Sharpmachine: this container should have 100vh and position fixed

Machenry: I can’t use flexbox.our app has to work in IE9

Leasor: The containee should also have 100vh and overflow auto

Kral: Hello, all. I hope someone can lend me a hand here, if at all possible. Having some issues with some CSS.

Borowiak: Pr0tocol: don’t ask to ask, just ask

Czerno: Swander: sweet. That worked

Dulin: Pr0tocol: can you make codepen or give an example page ?

Lalonde: Swander:

Patneaude: That’s the page. Now, I’ve enabled the JS. Notice when you resize the width that the sidebar gets placed at the top of the login form

Humprey: I was used uncss and work almost fine. the only problem is the styles and some clases like “open” the styles are missing

Harrald: Curious if there is a way to do this

Nyberg: I have some css, 600 lines of it that go like this .flair-mod-1::before {

Wallie: Is there a way to make it 1 line, that is dynamic, line .flair-mod-1::before {content: “flair-mod-1”

Longaker: Do it inline in the html instead

Levan: Oh wait you cant do it for the ::before , nevermind

Lusardi: Yeah then you’re SOL if you cant edit the html

Schneeman: Does cl*** with with attr?

Costellowo: Appears it does, but if you have multiple cl***es of course it wouldn’t

Puello: I have .flair-1::before,

Burchette: Through .flair-600::before,

Dilks: So 1-50 have one color, and 51-100 have another color

Mondello: COuld I some how do cl****=flair-*1-50*::before {

Cleland: And cl****=flair-*51-100*::before {

Venezia: Don’t think so, no. What does the html look like?

Sarsour: Div cl***=”flair-1″/div

Vittitow: If it’s just that single cl*** and you want it set to the same name, you can use content: attrcl***

Brinius: They dont go in order

Youla: Line one might be flair-43 then the next flair-5

Nunev: I only have the ability to use css

Maliszewski: I think thats jquery isnt it

Wineinger: So it can be used in a styles.css?

Pogar: Yes, provided there is only that cl*** on the element

Hachette: I cant find much about it

Crest: Https://

Hollingworth: It looks like it would almost work

Prunty: But instead of content=”MOD 22″ it would be content=”FLAIR-MOD-22″

Miltner: When I am only happy with MOD-22

Nora: Whats a good way to prevent Android soft-keyboard from causing the screen to orientation to change from portrait to landscape?

Bybee: Afteraffekt: Yes that’s the trouble with it, otherwise you could just throw it through a preprocessor to generate 600 different rules if you really needed to, which whilst ugly would at least compress well